Poster session

ICCSA 2024 offers the opportunity to exhibit some Posters in a Poster session organized on

July 1st, 2024 19:30-20:30

as a side event of the Welcome Party.

Posters and related material will be available on a site near the Welcome Party.

The posters will not be included in the proceedings.

The session's purpose is to update or report on recent and fresh research activities that were not included in the published papers. The poster will be presented in a 20-minute talk and a panel discussion.

The Poster Session is composed of the following Posters:

  1. D. Perri, I. Fioravanti, O. Gervasi, S. Spina, S. Tasso, A New Hybrid Method for the Identification of Candidate Collocations from Italian Corpora
  2. A. Lombardi, G. Di Genova, N. Balucani, Computational Study of the Formation Route of Dimethyl Sulfide

All attendees of the Welcome Party are kindly invited to join the Poster Session.