N. | Session title | Acronym | Organiser(s) | Topics | Program Committee |
1 |
Advanced Artificial Intelligence in Learning Technologies: Blended Learning, STEM, Computational Thinking and Coding
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
AAILT 2025 |
Alfredo Milani, (University of Perugia, Italy) Emanuele Florindi, (University of Perugia, Italy) Valentina Franzoni, (University of Perugia, Italy) |
* Large Language Models (LLM) in teaching and learning * AI in distance learning systems * AI in massive on line open courses * Automatic adaptive teaching * Student behavior modeling, performance prediction and automated classification, monitoring user emotional feedback * AI based Teacher oriented learning analytics * Intelligent automated student tutoring * Artificial characters for student assistance and supervision * Augmented reality, VR, 3D/D Reality in education * Virtual experimental labs for STEM * Virtual community for distance classes collaboration * Virtual ecosystems for teacher collaboration and knowledge sharing * Questions/tests sharing social networks, repositories and analytics * Distributed repositories for teaching material sharing, retrieval and collaborative debugging and ranking * Field experience reports with computational thinking, STEM and coding plugged/unplugged * Ethical Issue of AI related technologies in learnign |
Krassimir Markov, ITHEA Institute of Information Theories and Applications, Sofia , Bulgaria Sergio Tasso,, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy Paolo Mengoni, email, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR Rajdeep Niyogi,, Indian Institute of Technologies at Roorkee, India Clement Leung,, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China Valentino Santucci,, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy Kristen Yuanxi LI,, Hong Kong Baptsit University, Hong Kong SAR |
2 |
Workshop on Advancements in Applied Machine-learning and Data Analytics
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
AAMDA 2025 |
Alessandro Costantini, (INFN) Daniele Cesini, (CNAF, INFN) Elisabetta Ronchieri, (INFN) |
The workshop will run with a single, half a day, session covering the following topics: - Computational Infrastructures and Architectures for running Machine Learning and Data Analytics at the edge: applications, services, and processing; - Solutions for Holistic Management; - Exploitation of Machine Learning and Data Analytics Applications; - Simulation and emulation techniques, frameworks and platforms via Machine Learning; - Machine Learning for Software Engineering, Medicine, Climate, Environmental, and Applied Physics; - Machine Learning for innovative business models. |
Alessandro Costantini,, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) - Italy. Daniele Cesini,, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) - Italy. Elisabetta Ronchieri,, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) - Italy. Barbara Martelli,, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) - Italy. Luca Dell’Agnello,, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) - Italy. |
3 |
Advanced and Innovative web Apps 2025
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
AIWA 2025 |
Damiano Perri, (University of Perugia) Osvaldo Gervasi, (University of Perugia) Stelios Kouzeleas, (International Hellenic University) Sergio Tasso, (University of Perugia) |
- Emerging technologies for web development - UX design - Cloud computing and serverless architecture - Cloud Platform (GCP) - Artificial intelligence and machine learning - Security and privacy - Mobile development - Development architectures and models - Development tools and technologies |
David Berti,, ART SpA, Italy JungYoon Kim,, Gachon University, South Korea TaiHoon Kim,,Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, China |
4 |
Advanced Processes of Mathematics and Computing Models in Complex Data-Intensive Computational Systems
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
AMCM 2025 |
Yeliz Karaca, (University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dumitru Baleanu, (Lebanese American University) Osvaldo Gervasi, (University of Perugia) Yudong Zhang, (University of Leicester) Majaz Moonis, (University of Massachusetts Medical School) |
The potential topics of our workshop include but are not limited to: • Fractal and/or fractional calculus • Fractal Artificial Intelligence (Fractal AI) • Fractional-order systems • Fractal and multifractal analysis • Computational imaging and simulation technologies in biomedicine • Computational modeling of medical complex systems • Intelligence-based models in image and / or signal processing • AI and machine learning applications • High-performance computing • Integrative machine-learning and neuroscience • Data-driven computing • Data-intensive applications • Data analytics-based models • Differentiability in differential equations with big data applications • Stochastic analyses and processes • Fractional order differential, integral equations and systems • Fractional computing modeling and systems • Multifractal analysis • Entropy and its applications • Wavelet and its applications • Quantum artificial intelligence (QAI) • Quantum fractals • Dynamical behaviors and their types • Nonlinear and complex system optimization and intelligent algorithms • Efficient and stable training of differential equations • Constitutive models with neural networks • Dynamics of multi-agent network systems • PDEs for image/signal and data processing • Computational (algorithmic) complexity • Computational science and mathematical modeling (machine learning, deep learning, big data and algorithms, and so forth) Among many other related points with mathematical and computational modeling. |
TaiHoon Kim (Konkuk University, South Korea), Martin Bohner (Missouri University of Science and Technology (Missouri S&T), USA) Shuihua Wang (University of Leicester, Leicester, UK) Khan Muhammad (Sungkyunkwan University, Seoul, South Korea) Mahmoud Abdel-Aty, Sohag University, Egypt |
5 |
Advanced Numerical Approaches for assessment and design of no-tension Masonry Structures
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
ANAMS 2025 |
Antonino Iannuzzo, (Universitá degli studi del Sannio) Carlo Olivieri, (Pegaso University) Andrea Montanino, (International Centre for Numerical Methods in Engineering) Elham Mousavian, (The university of Edinburgh) |
We invite submissions exploring the latest developments in numerical modelling, computational methods and practical applications to significant case studies. Contributions of interest include, but are not limited to: - methods addressing the behaviour of unilateral structures; - soil-structure interaction; - analytical and computational approaches for stability assessment; - limit analysis approaches; - damage assessment related to foundation settlements and overloading; - computational strategies for retrofitting interventions; - advances in modelling mechanical response; - solutions to inverse problems for identifying structural damage causes; - machine learning approaches for damage detection and predictive modelling; |
Pietro, Meriggi,, Department of Civil Engineering, Computer Science and Aeronautical Technologies RomaTre, Italy; Francesca, Perelli,, Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture - University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Marialuigia, Sangirardi,, Department of Engineering Sciences - University of Oxford, UK; Sam, Cocking,, Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction, Department of Engineering - University of Cambridge, UK; Matteo, Salvalaggio,, Department of Civil Engineering - University of Minho, Portugal; Vittorio, Paris,, Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences - University of Bergamo, Italy; Luigi, Sibille,, Department of Ocean Operations and Civil Engineering - University of Science and Technology, Norwegian; Natalia, Pingaro,, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction - Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Martina, Buzzetti,, Department of Architecture, Built Environment and Construction - Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Generoso, Vaiano,, Department of Engineering, Pegaso Telematic University, Italy; Alessandra, Capolupo,, Department of Civil, Environmental, Land, Building Engineering and Chemistry, Politecnico di Bari, Italy; Amal, Gerges,, Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Department of Architecture, civil and environmental engineering, Italy; Fabian, Orozco,, Facultad de Arquitectura - National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Mexico; Nathanael, Savalle,, Polytech Clermont, Clermont Auvergne INP, Université Clermont Auvergne, France; Luca Umberto, Argiento,, Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Bartolomeo, Pantó, , Department of Engineering, Durham University, UK; |
6 |
Unveiling the synergies between Air Quality and Climate PlAnning
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
AQCliPA 2025 |
Angela Pilogallo, (IMAA CNR) Luigi Santopietro, (Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis National Research Council of Italy CNR IMAA) Filomena Pietrapertosa, (National Research Council of Italy Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis) Monica Salvia, (CNR) Carlo Trozzi, (Techne Consulting) Valeria Scapini, (Universidad Central de Chile) |
The workshop aims to investigate interrelations, synergies and mutual benefits between climate and air quality planning | Lucia Saganeiti,, IMAA-CNR, Italy Lorena Fiorini,, Univaq, Italy Antonio Mazza,, IMAA-CNR, Italy Gabriele Nolè,, IMAA-CNR, Italy Carmen Guida,, Unina, Italy Floriana Zucaro,, Unina, Italy |
7 |
Advancements in Spatial assessment of Socio-Ecological SystemS
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
ASSESS 2025 |
Daniele Cannatella, (TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment) Giuliano Poli, (Università Federico II di Napoli) Eugenio Muccio, (University of Naples Federico II) Claudiu Forgaci, (Delft University of Technology) |
Spatial Assessment of Socio-Ecological Systems, Green and Blue Infrastructures, GIS, MCDA, SDSSs, Urban Modeling, Sustainable Urban Development, Data-driven Approaches, Spatial Data Analysis, Ecosystem and Landscape Services, Spatial Econometrics | Daniele Cannatella,, TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, NL Giuliano Poli,, University of Naples Federico II, IT Eugenio Muccio,, University of Naples Federico II, IT Claudiu Forgaci,, NL, TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, NL |
8 |
Advances in Web Based Learning 2025
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
AWBL 2025 |
Birol Ciloglugil, (Ege University, Dept. of Computer Engineering) Mustafa Inceoglu, (Ege University, Department of Computer and Instructional Technology) |
Adaptive and Personalized E-Learning; Student Modeling in Web Based Learning; Technology Enhanced Learning; Artificial Intelligence in Education; Educational Data Mining; Learning Analytics; Big Data in Education; Smart Learning Environments; Intelligent Tutoring Systems; Learning Management Systems; MOOCs; Large Scale E-Learning Systems; Web Based Learning Standards; Semantic Web and Ontologies in Education; Web 2.0 / Web 3.0 Technologies for Web Based Learning; Multi Agent Systems based E-Learning; Educational Recommender Systems; Mobile, Pervasive and Ubiquitous Technologies for Web Based Learning; Cloud Computing for Educational Systems; High Performance Computing in Web Based Learning; Human Computer Interaction for E-Learning; Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality in Education; E-Learning Systems for 21st Century Skills; Programming and Robotics Education; STEM Education; Engineering Education; Industry 4.0 in Education. | Birim, Balcı,, Celal Bayar University, Turkey; Burak Galip, Aslan,, Izmir Yuksek Teknoloji University, Turkey; Mahmut, Unan,, University of Alabama, USA; Nisha S., Raj,, Global Indian International School, Japan; Oylum, Alatlı,, Ege University, Turkey; |
9 |
Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers: Technologies and Applications
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
BDLTA 2025 |
Vladimir Korkhov, (Saint Petersburg State University) Elena Stankova, (Saint-Petersburg State University) Nataliia Kulabukhova, (SberAutoTech) |
• Mathematical foundations of DLT, consensus algorithms, theoretical scalability analysis etc. • Challenges and issues in current DLT; prospects of DLT development • New technological solutions and techniques for distributed ledgers: multi-level validation, sharding, hybrid platforms, etc. • Smart-contracts and digital economy • Fault-tolerance and security in DLT • Application of DLT in science and industry |
Vasily Solodkov, Higher School of Economics Banking Institute Alexander Bogdanov, St.Petersburg State University, Russia Alexander Degtyarev, St.Petersburg State University, Russia Dmitry Vasiunin, Deutsche Telekom Cloud Services E.P.E., Greece Serob Balyan, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Suren Abrahamyan, Osensus Arm LLC, Armenia Ashot Gevorkyan, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, NAS of Armenia Martin Vala, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice, Slovakia Nodir Zaynalov, Samarkand branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan Michail Panteleyev, St.Petersburg Electrotecnical University, St.Petersburg, Russia Nikolay Peryazev Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia |
10 |
Bio and Neuro inspired Computing and Applications
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
BIONCA 2025 |
This workshop will explore the latest trends in bio-inspired computing, neurocomputing, and their diverse applications, such as: 1- Evolutionary Algorithms: Techniques inspired by natural selection and genetics, such as genetic algorithms and evolutionary strategies. 2- Swarm Intelligence: Algorithms that mimic the collective behavior of social organisms, including ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization. 3- Neural Networks: Computational models inspired by the human brain, which are used in machine learning and artificial intelligence. 4- Genetic Programming: An approach that evolves programs or algorithms using principles of genetic variation and selection. 5- elf-Organizing Systems: Studies of systems that spontaneously organize without central control, often seen in nature, like flocking behavior in birds. 6- Artificial Immune Systems: Computational models based on the principles of the human immune system to solve complex problems. 7- Biomimicry: Design strategies that imitate biological processes and structures to solve human challenges. 8- Ecosystem Modeling: Simulations based on ecological interactions to understand complex biological and environmental systems. 9- Collective Robotics: Designing robotic systems that operate in a coordinated manner, inspired by social insects like bees or ants. 10- Bioinformatics: Application of computational techniques to understand biological data, particularly in genomics and proteomics. |
Nadia Nedjha,, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Luiza de Macedo Mourelle,, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Luigi Maciel Ribeiro,, State University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Joelmir Ramos,, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Rogério Moraes,, Brazilein Navy, Brazil Marcos Santana Farias,, Institute of Nuclear Energy, Brazil Luneque Silva Jr,, Federal University of ABC, São Paulo, Brazil Alan Oliveira,, University of Lisboa, Portugal Brij Bhooshan Gupta,, Asia University, Taiwan, China |
11 |
Computational and Applied Mathematics
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
CAM 2025 |
Maria Irene Falcao , (University of Minho) Fernando Miranda, (Universidade do Minho) |
Computational Mathematics; Numerical Methods and Algorithms | Graça Tomaz,, Polytechnic of Guarda, Portugal; Helmuth Malonek, hrmalon@ua-pt, University of Aveiro, Portugal; Isabel Cacao,, University of Aveiro, Portugal; João Morais,, Autonomous Technological Institute of Mexico, Mexico; Lidia Aceto,, University of Piedmont Oriental, Italy; Luís Ferrás,, University of Porto, Portugal; Patrícia Beites,, University of Beira Interior, Portugal Paulo Amorim,, FGV EMAp, Brazil; Regina de Almeida,, University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal; Ricardo Severino,, University of Minho, Portugal |
12 |
Computational and Applied Statistics
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
CAS 2025 |
Ana Cristina Braga, (ALGORlTMI Research Centre, LASI, University of Minho) |
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): * Computational Statistics: new issues in the design of computational algorithms for implementing statistical methods, development in R, Python, etc * Applications: statistical case study in all areas of sciences, engineering and industry, including economics, medicine, biology, earth sciences and social sciences. |
Adelaide,Freitas,,University of Aveiro,Portugal; Ana Cristina ,Braga,,University of Minho,Portugal; Ângela,Silva,,University of Minho,Portugal; Arminda Manuela ,Gonçalves,,University of Minho,Portugal; Arunasalam,Rahunanthan,,Central State University,United States of America; Carina,Silva,,Polytechnic Intitute of Lisbon,Portugal; Elisete,Correia,,University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro,Portugal; Frank,Westad,,Adjunct Professor, Department of Engineering Cybernetics, Norwegian University of Science and Technology ,Norway; Ivan Rodriguez,Conde,,University of Arkansas,United States of America; Lisete Maria , Sousa ,,University of Lisbon,Portugal; Marco,Reis,,University of Coimbra,Portugal; Maria Filipa,Mourão,,Polytechnic Institute of Viana do Castelo,Portugal; Maria Jo o ,Polidoro,,Polytechnic Institute of Porto,Portugal; Martin Perez,Perez,,University of Vigo,Spain; Michal,Abrahamowicz,,McGill University,Canada; Vanda,Lourenço,,New University of Lisbon,Portugal; Vera,Afreixo,,University of Aveiro,Portugal; |
13 |
Cyber Intelligence and Applications
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
CIA 2025 |
Gianni DAngelo, (University of Salerno) |
AI-enabled/empowered cybersecurity applications and services, Artificial Intelligence based Data Analytics for Cybersecurity, Data-driven based solutions. | Gianni D’Angelo (, Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Italy. Francesco Palmieri (, Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Italy. Massimo Ficco (, Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Italy. |
14 |
Computational Methods for Business Analytics
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
CMBA 2025 |
Cláudio Alves, (Universidade do Minho) Telmo Pinto, (Univ Coimbra, CEMMPRE, Dept Mech Engn) |
-Integer linear programming and combinatorial optimization approaches -Exact optimization algorithms: branch-and-bound, polyhedral approaches, decomposition-based methods, reformulations -Heuristics, meta-heuristics, matheuristics and model based metaheuristics for integer linear programming and combinatorial optimization -Real-world applications in industry and services: operations management, supply chain management, logistics and transportation, scheduling, production management and distribution, warehousing, location, energy, telecommunications, project management, healthcare -Optimization software and decision support systems |
Cláudio Alves,, University of Minho, Portugal Telmo Pinto,, University of Coimbra, Portugal |
15 |
Computational Methods, Statistics and Industrial Mathematics
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
CMSIM 2025 |
Maria Filomena Teodoro, (IST ID, Instituto Superior Técnico,) Marina Alexandra Pedro Andrade, (ISCTE, VAT 501510184) Paula Simões, (Military Academy Portuguese Army and NOVAMath Lisbon NOVA University) Teresa A. Oliveira, (CEAUL and Universidade Aberta) |
Probability, Statistics, Numerical Analysis, Numerical Methods, Statistical Methods, Risk Analysis, Mathematical Methods and its Applications, Computational methods in Science and Engineering, Applications with real data, Industrial Mathematics, Mathematics and AI for industries, Mathematics and AI under educational context, Information Management, Process mining, Applications, Data mining, Applications Data mining in modeling Mining Text, etc | Amilcar, Oliveira,, Universidade Aberta and CEAUL, Sciences Faculty, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Victor, Lobo, vlobo@novaims, Escola Naval, Instituto Universitário Militar, and NOVA IMS, Almada, Portugal António, Pacheco,, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Eliana, Costa,, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão – IPPorto, Portugal Professor Coordenador Aldina, Correia,, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão – IPPorto, Portugal Fernando, Carapau,, Escola Superior de Tecnologia, University of Évora, Portugal Ricardo, Moura,, Portuguese Naval Academy, Military University Institute, Almada, Portugal Ana, Borges,, Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão – IPPorto, Portugal Cristina, Lopes,, ISCAP-IPPorto, Portugal Fernanda, Costa,, Escola de Ciências-University of Minho, Portugal Maria Luísa, Morgado,, University of Trás os Montes e Alto Douro Vila Real and CEMAt, IST, University of Lisboa, Portugal Rosário, Ramos,, Universidade Aberta, Portugal Sofia, Rézio,, Iscal, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa, Portugal Matteo, Sacchet,, University of Turin, Italy Marina, Marchisio Conte,, University of Turin, Italy António, Seijas-Macias,, University of Coruña, Spain Luís, F.A. Teodoro,, University of Glasgow, UK and University of Oslo, Norway Christos, Kitsos,, University of West Attica, Greece M. Filomena, Teodoro,, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal Marina A.P., Andrade,, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal Paula, Simões,, Military Academy and Universidade Nova de Lisboa,Portugal Teresa, Oliveira,, Universidade Aberta and Universidade de Lisboa |
16 |
Computational Optimization and Applications
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
COA 2025 |
Ana Rocha, (ALGORITMI Research Centre, LASI, University of Minho, Portugal) Humberto Rocha, (University of Coimbra) |
- computational optimization; - optimization applications. |
Ana, Pereira,, Polytechnic Institute of Bragança, Portugal; Filipe, Alvelos, Univeristy of Minho,, Portugal; Joana, Dias,, University of Coimbra, Portugal; |
17 |
Coastal cities versus inland areas. Hypotheses for sustainable regeneration through ecosystem services of “hooking” and rehabilitation of brownfield sites
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
CoastalCities_VS_InlandAreas 2025 |
Celestina Fazia, (Università di Enna Kore) Angrilli Massimo, (Università dAnnunzio) Valentina Ciuffreda, (Università Gabriele d Annunzio Chieti Pescara) Maurizio Oddo, (Università Kore di Enna) Marcello Sestito, (Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria) Clara Stella Vicari Aversa, (Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria) |
Re-design of rural landscapes and architecture Dialogue between coastal areas, inland areas and smaller towns Spatiality of places of production Spatial fragments at risk of abandonment Ecosystem services in climate regulation Regeneration and green and blue infrastructure Architecture and design of brownfield sites Green and blue infrastructure |
Massimo Angrilli,, Università di Chieti Pescara (Italy) Valentina Ciuffreda,, Università di Chieti Pescara (Italy) Celestina Fazia,, Università kore di Enna (Italy) Maurizio Oddo,, Università kore di Enna (Italy) Marcello Sestito,, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy) Clarastella Vicari Aversa,, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy) Alessandro Camiz,, Università d’Annunzio (Italy) THOWAYEB Hassan,, SOCIAL studies dept, College of Arts, King Faisal University (Saudi Arabia) Alessandro Barracco,, Università Kore di Enna(Italy) Mario Morrica, CdL DTC, UNIURB Mariana Ratiu,, University of Oradea ALANDA AKAMANA,, Citinnov SA. for Integrated Territorial Planning & Smart Cities, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco Kaoutare AMINI ALAOUI,, Citinnov SA. for Integrated Territorial Planning & Smart Cities, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco |
18 |
Computational Astrochemistry 2025
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
CompAstro 2025 |
Marzio Rosi, (University of Perugia) Daniela Ascenzi, (Università degli Studi di Trento) Nadia Balucani, (DCBB University of Perugia) Stefano Falcinelli, (Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia, Italy) |
The themes of the Workshop include (but are not limited to): • Potential energy surfaces of species relevant in astrochemistry • Thermodynamics of reactions relevant in astrochemistry • Calculation of kinetic parameters associated with reactions relevant in astrochemistry • Modelling dust and icy grain structures and properties • Modelling processes at the grain surfaces |
Dario Campisi, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Giacomo Giorgi, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Andrea Giustini, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Luca Mancini, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Albert Rimola, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Dimitrios Skouteris, Master-Tec – Perugia, Piero Ugliengo, Università degli Studi di Torino, Franco Vecchiocattivi, Università degli Sudi di Perugia, |
19 |
Computational methods for porous geomaterials
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
CompPor 2025 |
Vadim Lisitsa, (IPGG SB RAS) Evgeniy Romenski, (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics) |
Mathematical models of multiscale porous media Numerical simulation at pore scale Upscaling Machine learning in application to geosciences |
Vadim Lisitsa,, Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, Russia Evgeniy Romenski, Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, Russia |
20 |
Workshop on Computational Science and HPC
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
CSHPC 2025 |
Elise DE DONCKER, (Western Michigan University) Hideo Matsufuru, (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) |
Numerical analysis and simulations, High Performance Computing, Large scale data and applications, Machine Learning | Elise DE DONCKER - (Western Michigan University, U.S.A.) Hideo MATSUFURU - (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Japan) |
21 |
Cities, Technologies and Planning 2025
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
CTP 2025 |
Giuseppe Borruso, (University of Trieste) Beniamino Murgante, (School of Engineering, University of Basilicata) Malgorzata Hanzl, (Lodz University of Technology) Anastasia Stratigea, (National Technical University of Athens) Ljiljana Zivkovic, (Republic Geodetic Authority) Ginevra Balletto, (University of Cagliari) |
The purpose of this workshop is to collect and promote the professional best practices and the cutting-edge research results related to the geospatial technologies that support the sustainable planning and development of modern, sustainable, accessible and livable cities worldwide, while the goal of the workshop is to provide space for learning, discussing and exchanging ideas about possible approaches in implementing geospatial and other technologies for resolving an increasing number of our modern cities’ issues. Cities, Technology and Planning as the three ‘keywords’ can benefit of their tight integration: the unprecedented advance in digital technologies has also innovated how data are collected and made available, allowing scholars, practitioners, planners, and policymakers to rely on a vast quantity of useful information. Today’s "Information-Explosion Era" is characterized by a large amount of data produced by human action and automated systems. The recent quests for "u-City," "Smart City", "Digital Twin City" and “15-minute city” are in line with a research towards the ‘Sustainable City’ and with the idea that technology can help in fostering such targets. New challenges are offered to scholars - geographers, engineers, planners, economists, sociologists, etc. - as well as to spatial planners - who aspire to achieve J. Gehl's ideal of humanistic city planning for a city-made-for-people model - in addressing spatial issues and a wealth of brand-new, updated data, generally created by people who are interested in geographically-related phenomena. Contribution will be therefore accepted on the following topics – although not limited to them: Open Government; Open Data, High-Value Datasets (HVD); Resilient cities; Smart cities and Sustainable Urban Development; GIS-based mobile applications for Smart Cities; Planning 2.0; Planning 3.0; Participation 2.0; Urban social networks, Urban sensing; E-democracy, E-participation, Participatory Gis; Technologies for eParticipation, policy modelling, simulation and visualisation; Second Life and participatory games; Social networks and collaborative/participatory approaches; Ubiquitous Computing Environment - Urban computing - Ubiquitous-City; Neogeography; Collaborative mapping; Geotagging; SDI and Planning; VGI VS SDI; Volunteered Geographic Information; Crowdsourcing; Ontologies for Urban planning; City Gml; Geo-applications for mobile phones; Web 2.0, Web 3.0; Web 4.0 and beyond; Wikinomics, Socialnomics; WikiCities; WikiPlanning; Maps mash up; Tangible Maps and planning; Risk assessment & Emergency management; Sustainable cities; Resilient cities; Renewable Energy for Cities and Smart grids; Augmented and Virtual Reality; Complexity assessment and mapping; 15-minutes city; Urban data spaces; Digital Twin City; Urban dataspace; Artificial Intelligence for Urban Visualization, Analysis and Planning |
Giuseppe, Borruso,, University of Trieste, Italy Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy Malgorzata, Hanzl,, Lodz University of Technology, Poland Anastasia, Stratigea, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Ljiljiana, Zivkovic,, Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia, Serbia Ginevra, Balletto,, University of Cagliari, Italy Silvia, Battino,, University of Sassari, Italy Mara, Ladu,, University of Cagliari, Italy Maria del Mar, Munoz Leonisio,, University of Cadiz, Spain Ahinoa, Amaro Garcia,, University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, Spain Maria, Attard,, University of Malta, Malta Enrico, Dagostini,, World Maritime University, Malta Francesca, Krasna,, University of Trieste, Italy Brisol García García (Polytechnic University of Quintana Roo, Mexico) Tu Anh, Trinh,, Institute of Smart City and Management - College of Technology and Design of UEH University - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Giovanni, Mauro,, Università degli Studi della Campania, Italy Maria, Ronza,, University of Naples - Federico II, Italy Massimiliano, Bencardino,, University of Salerno, Italy Tomasz, Bradecki,, Silesian University of Technology, Poland Dorota, Kamrowska-Załuska,, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland Iwona, Jażdżewska,, University of Lodz, Poland Yiota, Theodora,, School of Architecture - National Technical University of Athens, Greece Apostolos, Lagarias,, Department of Regional Planning & Development - School of Engineering - University of Thessaly, Greece George, Tsilimigkas,, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean, Greece Akrivi, Leka,, School of Rural Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering - National Technical University of Athens, Greece Maria, Panagiotopoulou,, School of Rural Surveying and Geoinformatics Engineering -National Technical University of Athens, Greece Andrea, Gallo,, University Ca Foscari - Venice, Italy Francesca, Sinatra, University of Trieste, Italy |
22 |
Digital transition: effects on housing mobility, market, land governance
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
Fabrizio Battisti, (Department of Architetture University of Florence) Fabiana Forte, (Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli) Orazio Campo, (University of Rome "La Sapienza") |
housing mobility; human well-being; digital transition; land governance; evaluation | Fabrizio Battisti,, Department of Architecture, University of Florence, Italy Fabiana Forte,, Department of Architecture and Industrial Design, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Italy Orazio Campo,, Department of Planning, Design, Tehcnology of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
23 |
Evaluating Inner Areas Potentials
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
EIAP 2025 |
Diana Rolando, (Politecnico di Torino) Alice Barreca, (Politecnico di Torino) Manuela Rebaudengo, (Politecnico di Torino) Giorgia Malavasi 00518460019, (Politecnico di TORINO 00518460019) |
Territorial resilience, inner areas, fragile areas, fragile contexts, rural areas, territorial vibrancy, territorial vulnerability, sustainable development strategies, socio-economic evaluation, multi-dimensional assessment, knowledge management, territorial analyses, spatial models, potential evaluation, nested market, short supply chain | Diana Rolando - (Politecnico di Torino - Italy) Alice Barreca - (Politecnico di Torino - Italy) Manuela Rebaudengo - (Politecnico di Torino - Italy) Giorgia Malavasi - (Politecnico di Torino - Italy) |
24 |
Econometric and Multidimensional Evaluation in Urban Environment
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
EMEUE 2025 |
Maria Cerreta, (Department of Architecture University of Naples Federico II) Carmelo Maria Torre, (Polytechnic University of Bari, Dep. Civil Engineering and Architectural Science) Pierluigi Morano, (Polytechnic University of Bari) Simona Panaro, (Science Policy Research Unit, University of Sussex Business School) Felicia Di Liddo, (Department of Civil Engineering Sciences and Architecture, Polytechnic University of Bari) Debora Anelli, (Department of Architecture and Project,Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) |
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Social Multicriteria Evaluation, Fuzzy Multicriteria Evaluation, Hybrid Multicriteria decision-making, AHP and ANP innovative experience, Geostatistics, Real estate modelling, Urban economics, Real Estate Mass appraisal, Multicriteria decision-making and Gis-supported MCDM, MCDA methods with GIS and Web for collaborative decision-making, Multi-method evaluation systems, Econometrics, Spatial econometrics, Bioeconometrics. | Carmelo Maria Torre, Polytecnich University of Bari Maria Cerreta, University of Naples Federico II Pierluigi Morano, Polytechnic University of Bari Francesco Tajani, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Simona Panaro, University of Sussex Business School Felicia di Liddo, Polytecnich University of Bari Debora Anelli, Sapienza University of Rome |
25 |
Governance of energy transition: environmental, landscape, social and spatial planning
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
Mara Ladu, (University of Cagliari) Ginevra Balletto, (University of Cagliari) Emilio Ghiani, (Dipartimento Ingegneria Elettrica ed Elettronica) Alessandra Marra, (Department of Civil Engineering, University of Salerno) Roberto De Lotto, (University of Pavia) Balázs Kulcsár, (University of Debrecen) |
Governance; Energy transition; Communities; Renewable Energy, Sustainable Spatial Energy Planning; Landscape-base spatial energy planning; Urban and regional Spatial Energy Planning; Built environment; Energy modelling and Spatial decision support system; Urban and regional Spatial Energy Policy. | Riccardo Trevisan,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Marco Naseddu,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Giuseppe Borruso,, University of Trieste, Italy; Andrea Gallo,,University of Trieste, Italy; Francesca, Sinatra,, University of Trieste, Italy; Maria Attard,, University of Malta, Malta; Tu Anh Trinh,, Institute of Smart City and Management, College of Technology and Design, UEH University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Marcello Tadini,, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy; Luigi Mundula,, University of Perugia, Italy; Silvia Battino,, University of Sassari, Italy; Maria del Mar Munoz Leonisio,, University of Cadiz, Spain); Anna Richiedei, , University of Brescia, Italy; Michele Pezzagno,, Research Center on Agenda2030 (CRA2030) - University of Brescia, Italy; Federico Mertellozzo,, University of Firenze, Italy; Marco Mazzarino,, IUAV Univeristy Venice, Italy |
26 |
Ecosystem services in spatial planning for climate neutral urban and rural areas
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
ESSP 2025 |
Sabrina Lai, (University of Cagliari. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture) Francesco Scorza, (University of Basilicata) Corrado Zoppi, (University of Cagliari) Beniamino Murgante, (UNIBAS) Carmela Gargiulo, (Università Federico II di Napoli) Floriana Zucaro, (university of naples federico II) |
Sustainable management of natural resources (including: water management, land use and land cover changes, biodiversity) leading to enhanced supply of ecosystem services. Synergies and trade-offs in ecosystem services’ provision. Mapping ecosystem services supply and demand. Development and testing of indicators for the assessment of ecosystem services and their trade-offs. Development and implementation of toolkits for the assessment of ecosystem services. Assessment of ecosystem services and its integration into decision-making processes. The ecosystem-based approach within spatial planning tools. Ecosystem services and their relationship with climate change mitigation and adaptation. Identification of ecosystem services beneficiaries and their involvement in assessments, mapping, modeling. Urban climate-proof open spaces for adaptation and energy saving. Urban green spaces for climate neutrality Nature-based solutions at district and urban levels. Sustainable land use in urban areas. |
Alfonso, Annunziata,, University of Basilicata, Italy; Ginevra, Balletto,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Ivan, Blečić,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Giuseppe, Borruso,, University of Trieste, Italy; Barbara, Caselli,, University of Parma, Italy; Maria, Cerreta,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Chiara, Garau,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Carmen Guida,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Federica, Isola,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Francesca, Leccis,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Federica, Leone,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Silvia, Rossetti,, University of Parma, Italy; Luigi, Santopietro,, National Research Council of Italy (CNR-IMAA), Italy; Carmelo, Torre,, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy |
27 |
The 15th International Workshop on Future Information System Technologies and Applications
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
FiSTA 2025 |
Bernady O. Apduhan, (Kyushu Sangyo University) Rafael Santos, (INPE) |
Cloud/Edge Computing Systems, Resilient/Dependable Cloud, Edge AI, Digital Twin, AI-inspired Fog/Edge Computing Applications, Machine/Deep Learning, Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Graph Data, Social Networks, Data Science-based Edge Computing/Edge in Data Science | Agustinus Borgy, Waluyo,, Monash University, Australia; Andre Ricardo Abed, Grégio,, Federal University of Parana, Brazil; Eric, Pardede,, La Trobe University, Australia; Kai, Cheng,, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan; Ching-Hsien, Hsu, ching-hsien, Asia University, Taiwan; Fenghui, Yao,, Tennessee State University, USA; Yusuke, Gotoh,, Okayama University, Japan; Alvaro, Fazenda,, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil; Kazuaki, Tanaka,, Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan; Tengku, Adil,, University Technology of MARA, Malaysia; Toshihiro, Yamauchi,, Okayama University, Japan; Yasuaki, Sumida,, Kyushu Sangyo University, Japan; Earl Ryan, Aleluya,, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines; Cherry Mae G., Villame,, MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines |
28 |
Flow management in urban contexts
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
FMUC 2025 |
Alessio Pino, (University of Enna Kore) Giovanna Acampa, (University of Florence) |
1. Urban Design: The physical layout of a city influences flow patterns. Smart urban design incorporates mixed land uses, pedestrian-friendly infrastructure, and transit-oriented development to promote seamless movement 2. Transportation Systems: Managing the integration and efficiency of various forms of transportation—such as public transit, cycling, and walking—ensures that residents can move easily throughout the city. 3. Traffic Management: Techniques like adaptive traffic signals, real-time monitoring, and congestion pricing play a key role in mitigating traffic jams and improving road safety for all users. 4. Logistics and Distribution: Efficient goods movement within cities is crucial for economic vitality. Urban logistics focuses on optimizing delivery routes and times, often utilizing technology to reduce the impact of freight traffic on overall urban flow. 5. Data and Technology: The use of big data and smart technologies allows for real-time insights into urban flows. This data-driven approach facilitates better decision-making and enhances the adaptability of urban systems to changing demands. 6. Sustainability Objectives: With growing concerns about climate change and urban pollution, sustainable flow management seeks to minimize environmental impacts by promoting eco-friendly transportation modes and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. |
Giovanna, Acampa,, University of Florence, Italy Alessio, Pino,, University of Enna Kore, Italy |
29 |
Geospatial AI and Machine Learning for Urban Resilience and Smart Cities in Asia”
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
Mohd Noor Norzailawati, (International Islamic University of Malaysia) |
1. Digital Twins and Smart City Simulations 2. Urban Data Analytics and Predictive Modeling 3. Sustainable Urban Mobility 4. Smart Infrastructure and Resource Management 5. Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques for Urban Planning 6. Data Integration and Interoperability in Smart Cities 7. Disaster Risk Management and Resilience Building 8. Environmental Monitoring and Climate Action 9. Policy and Ethical Implications of Geospatial AI 10. Citizen Science and Participatory Sensing 11. Others that related to the title |
Norzailawati Mohd Noor International Islamic University, Malaysia Malaysia Mohamed Abdel Aziz Abdel Hamid Al-Azhar University Egypt Illyani Ibrahim International Islamic University, Malaysia Malaysia Nurfashareena Muhammad Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Malaysia Mohd Nadzri Mohd Reba Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Malaysia Tarek Mohamed Elmorsy Hussein Bartin University Turkiye Fatih Eren Istanbul Technical University Turkiye |
30 |
Geographical Analysis, Urban Modeling, Spatial Statistics 2025
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
Geog-And-Mod 2025 |
Beniamino Murgante, (School of Engineering, University of Basilicata) Giuseppe Borruso, (University of Trieste) Hartmut Asche, (Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering) Rodrigo Tapia McClung, (Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de Información Geoespacial) Andreas Fricke, (Hasso Plattner Institute, Digital Engineering Faculty, University of Potsdam) |
This workshop aims to address the challenges and opportunities arising from the abundance of spatial data and advanced GIS tools. We will explore innovative spatial modelling techniques, analytical methods, and geographical analysis approaches to effectively harness the power of geographic information. By focusing on practical applications and real-world scenarios, we will empower participants to make informed spatial decisions and contribute to cutting-edge research in the field of Geographic Information Science. High-quality submissions are expected on the following (but not limited to) Conference Themes: Geostatistics and spatial simulation; Agent-based spatial modeling; Cellular automata spatial modeling; Spatial statistical models; Spatio-temporal modeling; Environmental modeling; Geovisual analytics, geovisualisation, visual exploratory data analysis; Visualization and modeling of track data; Spatial Optimization; Interaction Simulation Models; Data mining, spatial and spatio-temporal data mining; Spatial Data Warehouse and Spatial OLAP; Integration of Spatial OLAP and Spatial data mining; Spatial Decision Support Systems; Spatial Multicriteria Decision Analysis; Spatial Rough Set; Spatial extension of Fuzzy Set theory; Ontologies for Spatial Analysis; Urban modelling; Applied geography; Spatial data analysis; Dynamic modeling; Simulation, space-time dynamics, visualization, virtual and augmented reality; Artificial Intelligence and its applications to Geographic Information Systems, Geocomputation and Spatial Analysis. |
Giuseppe, Borruso,, University of Trieste, Italy Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy Hartmut, Asche,, University of Potsdam, Germany Rodrigo, Tapia-McClung,, Centro de Investigación en Ciencias de Información Geoespacial (CentroGeo), Mexico) Andreas, Fricke,, University of Potsdam, Germany Malgorzata, Hanzl,, Lodz University of Technology, Poland Anastasia, Stratigea, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Ljiljiana, Zivkovic,, Republic Geodetic Authority of Serbia, Serbia Ginevra, Balletto,, University of Cagliari, Italy Silvia, Battino,, University of Sassari, Italy Mara, Ladu,, University of Cagliari, Italy Maria del Mar, Munoz Leonisio,, University of Cadiz, Spain Ahinoa, Amaro Garcia,, University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, Spain Maria, Attard,, University of Malta, Malta Enrico, Dagostini,, World Maritime University, Malta Francesca, Krasna,, University of Trieste, Italy Brisol García García (Polytechnic University of Quintana Roo, Mexico) Tu Anh, Trinh,, Institute of Smart City and Management - College of Technology and Design of UEH University - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Giovanni, Mauro,, Università degli Studi della Campania, Italy Maria, Ronza,, University of Naples - Federico II, Italy Massimiliano, Bencardino,, University of Salerno, Italy Andrea, Gallo,, University Ca Foscari - Venice, Italy Francesca, Sinatra,, University of Trieste, Italy Salvatore, Dore,, University of Trieste, Italy |
31 |
Geogames for Sustainable Development
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
Geogames 2025 |
Alenka Poplin, (Iowa State University) |
Geogames and artificial intelligence; Geogames and Virtual Reality; Geogames and Augmented Reality; Applications of Geogames; Game Design and Prototyping; Game Analysis and Testing; Geogames and geospatial information | Alenka Poplin, Iowa State University, USA ( Bruno Amaral de Andrade, Portucalense University, Portugal ( Brian Tomaszewski, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA ( Deepak Marhatta, Tribhuvan University, Nepal ( |
32 |
Geomatics for Resource Monitoring and Management
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
GRMM 2025 |
Alberico Sonnessa, (Politecnico di Bari) Eufemia Tarantino, (Politecnico di Bari) Alessandra Capolupo, (Polytechnic of Bari) |
- • Remote and Proximal Sensors for geospatial data acquisition • Systems for Data Processing, Analysis and Representation • Multi-source and integrated approaches for monitoring and management of natural resources • Techniques for 3D data acquisition and objects reconstruction/modelling • Surveying methods for monitoring and documenting structures, infrastructures and the built environment • Tools for geospatial data sharing • Geomatics for environmental modeling, risk management, and precision agriculture. Themes: Remote and Proximal Sensors for geospatial data acquisition; Systems for Data Processing, Analysis and Representation; Multi-source and integrated approaches for monitoring and management of natural/anthropic assets; Techniques for 3D data acquisition and objects reconstruction/modeling; Surveying methods for monitoring and documentation of the built environment; Tools for geospatial data sharing; Geomatics for environmental modelling, risk management, and precision agriculture. |
Alberico Sonnessa - Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh) - Politecnico di Bari (Italy) Eufemia Tarantino - Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh), Politecnico di Bari (Italy) Alessandra Capolupo- Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh) - Politecnico di Bari (Italy) |
33 |
HERitage and CLIMAte neutrality. Resilient approach for nature centered/based sustainable cities.
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
Celestina Fazia, (Università di Enna Kore) Angrilli Massimo, (Università dAnnunzio) Clara Stella Vicari Aversa, (Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria) Dorina Camelia Ilies, (University of Oradea) Mariana Ratiu, (University of Oradea) |
Decarbonization of the existing city Climate change and anthropogenic behavior Ecosystem services and climate regulation Land regeneration, green and blue infrastructure Virtuous cities and refractory cities Sustainable urban development Heritage and climate neutrality |
Celestina Fazia,, Università kore di Enna (Italy) Massimo Angrilli,, Università di Chieti Pescara (Italy) Clarastella Vicari Aversa,, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy) Ratiu Mariana,, University of Oradea (Romania) Ilies Dorina Camelia,, University of Oradea (Romania) Alessandro Camiz,, Università d’Annunzio (Italy) Mario Morrica, CdL DTC, UNIURB (Italy) THOWAYEB Hassan,, SOCIAL studies dept, College of Arts, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia Alessandro Barracco,, Università Kore di Enna (Italy) Kaoutare AMINI ALAOUI, Citinnov SA. for Integrated Territorial Planning & Smart Cities, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco Mariana Ratiu,, University of Oradea Valentina Ciuffreda,, Università Chieti Pescara (Italy) |
34 |
International Workshop on Information and Knowledge in the Internet of Things
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
IKIT 2025 |
Topics of interest: - Assistive Technology - Augmented Cognition - Context Aware Systems and Applications - Data Management in IoT - Decision Support Systems in IoT - e-Participation, e-Government, e-Hybrid Services - IoT-enabled computing paradigms - IoT in Education - IoT Knowledge Network - IoT Sensing Things Technology and Applications - Knowledge Management - Knowledge Networks - Knowledge Systems in IoT - Machine learning in IoT - Mobile and Cloud Computing in Pervasive Systems - Pervasive Systems Based on Cloud Computing - Security, Trust, and Privacy Issues in IoT |
Arnulfo, Alanis Instituto,, Tecnologico de Tijuana, Mexico Bruno, Sousa,, University of Coimbra, Portugal Carlos, Balsa,, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal Filipe, Mota Pinto,, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal Gustavo, Gatica,, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile Isabel, Lopes,, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal José María, Díaz Nafría,, Universidad a Distancia, Spain Maria Fernanda, Augusto,, BiTrum Research Group, Spain Maria Isabel, Ribeiro,, Instituto Politécnico Bragança, Portugal Modestos, Stavrakis,, University of the Aegean, Greece Simone, Belli,, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain Walter, Lopes Neto,, Instituto Federal de Educação, Brazil |
35 |
International Workshop on territorial Planning to integrate Risk prevention and urban Ontologies.
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
IWPRO 2025 |
Beniamino Murgante, (School of Engineering, University of Basilicata) Roberto De Lotto, (University of Pavia) ELISABETTA MARIA VENCO, (Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture DICAr University of Pavia) Caterina Pietra, (Università degli Studi di Pavia) |
- Analysis of the risk domain by describing its main components, factors and properties; - Urban ontologies that support territorial planning; - Importance of providing formal conceptualization of the world by linking concepts through logic rules to allow knowledge sharing among users working in the same domain. |
Beniamino Murgante,, University of Basilicata Roberto De Lotto,, University of Pavia Elisabetta Maria Venco,, University of Pavia Caterina Pietra,, University of Pavia |
36 |
Regional Connectivity, Spatial Accessibility and MaaS for Social Inclusion
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
MaaS 2025 |
Mara Ladu, (University of Cagliari) Ginevra Balletto, (University of Cagliari) Gianfranco Fancello, (University of Cagliari) Tanja Congiu, (Department of Architecture Design and Urban Planning University of Sassari) Patrizia Serra, (University of Cagliari) Francesco Piras, (University of Cagliari) |
Sustainable Transport Systems; Land Use; Urban Planning; Urban Facilities; Urban Mobility; Ports; Airports; Hubs: Intermodal Hubs; Regional Connectivity; Social Inequalities; Social Inclusion; Mobility Services; Technological Innovation; Digital Transition; MaaS; Applications; Inner Areas, Rural Areas; Insular context. | Marco Naseddu,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Italo Meloni,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Giuseppe Borruso,, University of Trieste, Italy; Andrea Gallo,,University of Trieste, Italy; Francesca, Sinatra,, University of Trieste, Italy; Maria Attard,, University of Malta, Malta; Tu Anh Trinh,, Institute of Smart City and Management, College of Technology and Design, UEH University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Marcello Tadini,, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy; Luigi Mundula,, University of Perugia, Italy; Silvia Battino,, University of Sassari, Italy; Brunella Brundu,, University of Sassari, Italy; Veronica Camerada,, University of Sassari, Italy; Maria del Mar Munoz Leonisio,, University of Cadiz, Spain; Anna Richiedei, , University of Brescia, Italy; Michele Pezzagno,, Research Center on Agenda2030 (CRA2030) - University of Brescia, Italy; Marco Mazzarino,, IUAV Univeristy Venice, Italy |
37 |
Multimodal Approaches for Massive Models and generative AI: Methodologies, Integrations, and Applications
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
MAMMA-MIA 2025 |
Alfredo Milani, (University of Perugia, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science) Valentina Franzoni, (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Perugia University) |
Multimodal Generative Models Integration Human to Generative Models Interaction Affective Multimodal Systems Emotion-Aware Multimodal Models Advanced Model Architectures Affective Responses in Generative Models Cross-Modal Emotion Recognition Generative AI Applications Knowledge Transfer Data Fusion Techniques Ethics in Generative AI Model Explainability Self-Supervised Learning Generative AI for Creativity Generative Models Scaling Real-World Generative Multimodal Applications Generative AI Challenges |
Krassimir Markov, ITHEA Institute of Information Theories and Applications, Sofia , Bulgaria Sergio Tasso,, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy Paolo Mengoni, email, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR Rajdeep Niyogi,, Indian Institute of Technologies at Roorkee, India Clement Leung,, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China Emanuele Florindi,, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy Valentino Santucci,, University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy Kristen Yuanxi LI,, Hong Kong Baptsit University, Hong Kong SAR |
38 |
The development of urban mobility management, road safety and risk assessment
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
MANTAIN 2025 |
Antonio Russo, (Università degli Studi di Enna) Corrado Rindone, (Università degli studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria) Antonio Polimeni, (Università di Messina) Florin Rusca, (National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest) Grigorios Fountas, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Antonio Comi, (Department of Enterprise Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata) |
The workshop topics of interest are as follows: • Mobility modeling and management • Sharing mobility and new mobility services • Road Safety • Last mile logistics • Methods and models to reduce risk by evacuation in urban areas • Transport System Models (TSM) for the evaluation of evacuation measures in urban areas • Role of emerging Information Communication Technology (e-ICT) in supporting the monitoring and the forecasting of evacuation measures • Participation of citizens to the process of urban evacuation and social knowledge about safe destinations and routes • Evaluation of benefit considering the reduction of evacuation times, or the increasing number of evacuees, in urban areas • Role of Education, Training and exercises for increasing preparedness and contributing to risk reduction • Territorial, emergency and evacuation planning integrated processes |
Osvaldo,Gervasi,, University of Perugia, Italy Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy Chiara, Garau,, University of Cagliari, Italy |
39 |
Multidimensional Evolutionary Evaluations for Transformative Approaches
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
MEETA 2025 |
Maria Cerreta, (Department of Architecture University of Naples Federico II) Giuliano Poli, (University of Naples Federico II) Maria Somma, (University of Naples Federico II Department of Architecture) Gaia Daldanise, (CNR IRISS) Ludovica La Rocca, (University of Federico II of Naples) |
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Multidimensional Evaluation; Evolutionary Evaluation; Multi-Actor and Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA); Hybrid-method evaluation systems; Spatial Decision Support Systems; Qualitative and quantitative data analysis; Spatial econometrics. | Maria Cerreta,, University of Naples Federico II - Department of Architecture, Italy Giuliano Poli,, University of Naples Federico II - Department of Architecture, Italy |
40 |
Building multi-dimensional models for assessing complex environmental systems
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
MES 2025 |
Marta DellOvo, (Politecnico di Milano, DAStU) |
4. Track: Advanced and Emerging Applications | Vanessa, Assumma,, Department of Architecture Università di Bologna, Bologna, ITALY Caterina, Caprioli,, DIST Politecnico di Torino, Turin, ITALY Giulia, Datola,, DAStU Politecnico di Milano, Milan, ITALY Federico, Dell’Anna,, DIST Politecnico di Torino, Turin, ITALY Marta, Dell’Ovo,, DAStU Politecnico di Milano, Milan, ITALY Marco, Rossitti,, DABC Politecnico di Milano, Milan, ITALY |
41 |
Modelling Liveable Cities: Techniques, Methods, Challenges, and Perspectives Behind the 'X-Minute' City
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
MLC 2025 |
Federico Mara, (University of Pisa) Valerio Cutini, (University of Pisa) |
Modelling techniques, decision support systems, liveability, sustainability, proximity, x-minute city, urban planning, accessibility, urban green spaces, services, open data. | Simone Rusci,, University of Pisa, Italy Lorena Fiorini,, University of L’Aquila, Italy Chiara Di Dato,, University of L’Aquila, Italy Francesco Zullo,, University of L’Aquila, Italy Alfonso Annunziata,, University of Basilicata, Italy Beniamino Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy Alessandro Araldi,, Universitè Côte d’Azur, France Chiara Garau,, University of Cagliari, Italy Giampiero Lombardini,, Università di Genova, Italy |
42 |
Mathematical Methods for Image Processing and Understanding 2025
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
MMIPU 2025 |
Ivan Gerace, (Università degli Studi di Perugia) Gianluca Vinti, (Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica) Arianna Travaglini, (Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Università di Firenze) |
The main themes and topics of the workshop are theoretical and numerical approximation for image processing, filter theory, space color definition, regularization techniques, MAP estimation for image processing, image reconstruction, image enhancement, image rescaling, image segmentation; image registration; image clustering; image compactification; image demosaicing; medical imaging; digital tomography; mathematical methods for virtual document restoration; pattern recognition; stereoscopic and optical flow estimation. Moreover, applications of digital image processing in different fields will be also considered. |
Ivan Gerace,, University of Perugia, Italy. Gianluca Vinti,, University of Perugia, Italy. Arianna Travaglini,, University of Florence, Italy. Marco Baioletti,, University of Perugia, Italy. Marco Donatelli,, University of Insubria, Italy. Anna Tonazzini,, I.S.T.I.-C.N.R, Pisa, Italy. Muhammad Hanif,, Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, Pakistan. Francesco Marchetti,, University of Padua, Italy. Wolfgang Erb,, University of Padua, Italy. |
43 |
Mobility Opportunities Bridging Inequalities: Social inclusion and Gender Equity Initiatives strategies against fragmentation and complexity of mobility
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
MOBIL-EGI 2025 |
Tiziana Campisi, (University of Enna KORE) Mina Torrao, (Aston University) Socrates Basbas, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Tanja Congiu, (Department of Architecture Design and Urban Planning University of Sassari) Stefanos Tsigdinos, (National Technical University of Athens) Florin Nemtanu, (Nattional University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest) |
The workshop topics of interest are as follows: • Mobility as a Service • Gender gap and social exclusion in mobility • Strategies against fragmentation and complexity of mobility • Criticality of transport services related to areas with low transport demand (internal areas, island areas, peripheral areas) • Effects on local populations of implementing the 15-minute city urban districts/neighbourhoods/industrial districts • Big data management for more sustainable and inclusive mobility • Intelligent transport system (ITS) plan and approaches to design or co-create a sustainable and inclusive mobility transition • Closing the data gap in mobility by improving data collection methods, processing and analysis with intersectionality of gender, age and socio economics • Spatial implications of mobility and transport inequities • Cooperative, connected and automated mobility • Digital twin of mobility/transport systems as support for MaaS • Willingness to use future mobility options and approaches to enhance gender inclusivity, safety and trust • ITS and MaaS for enhancing the autonomy of vulnerable users in the city • Measurement methods to evaluate Maas social inclusiveness |
Massimo Di Gangi,, University of Messina Italy Orlando Marco Belcore,, University of Messina, italy Francesco Russo, , Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria , Italy Alexandros Nikitas,, University of Huddersfiled, UK Marilisa Nigro,, Rome Tre University, Italy Kh Md Nahiduzzaman ,, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University, Marocco Efstathios Bouhouras, , Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Antonio Comi,, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy Edouard Ivanjko,, University of Zagreb, Slovenia Osvaldo Gervasi,, University of Perugia, Italy Beniamino Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy Chiara Garau,, University of Cagliari, Italy |
44 |
MOdels and indicators for assessing and measuring the urban settlement deVElopment in the view of NET ZERO by 2050
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
MOVEto0 2025 |
Lorena Fiorini, (University of L Aquila) Lucia Saganeiti, (University of L Aquila) Angela Pilogallo, (IMAA CNR) Alessandro Marucci, (University of L Aquila) Francesco Zullo, (University of LAquila) |
In view of the many extreme events that are affecting different areas of the world, there is a clear need and urgency to introduce effective actions for climate change adaptation and sustainable development, through integration into all levels of land planning. The MOVEto0 workshop aims to explore new approaches, methodologies, strategies and policies addressing urban issues such as urban regeneration as an alternative to land transformation and urban expansion, providing useful models to limit urban sprawl and urban sprinkling. Urban regeneration is a complex and integrated process that encompasses various dimensions of citizen well-being (including environmental, social, and economic aspects). It relies on interdisciplinary approaches and aims to enhance the overall quality of urban spaces even in the light of current challenges such as climate change, resilient cities and energy crisis. Urban regeneration here is understood as a comprehensive approach, aiming to achieve urban spatial justice while aligning with the sustainable development goals outlined in the 2030 AGENDA and incorporating disaster risk reduction strategies as dictated by the UNDRR. Focus of MOVEto0 contributions may include (but is not limited): - Urban sprinkling, urban sprawl and new urban transformation dynamics; - Monitoring and modeling of urban transformation dynamics in dispersed and low-density settlement contexts; - Land cover/land use change and land take; - Indicators for monitoring urban transformation; - Environmental, economic, and social implications of dispersed, low-density settlement configurations; - Analysis of policies and guidelines to manage, control and limit land take with a focus to the future perspectives in view of the achievement of the AGENDA 2030 goals; - Indicator for assessing the sustainability of territorial transformation; - Gender disparity in the urban transformation dynamics; - Urban regeneration processes; - Multi risk scenario - Climate change and urban development. |
Ginevra, Balletto,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Giuseppe, Borruso,, University of Trieste, Italy; Chiara, Garau,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy; Giulia, Desogus,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Ljiljana, Zivkovic,, MBA - Research Associate at Republic Geodetic Authority, Serbia; Luigi, Santopietro,, Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis, Italian National Research Council, Italy; Ilaria, Del Ponte,, University of Genoa, Italy; Carmen, Guida,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Chiara, Di Dato,, University of L’Aquila, Italy. |
45 |
Ordinary Heritage and City transformation for Future challenges.
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
OrdinaryHeritage 2025 |
Alessandro Barracco, (Università degli Studi di Enna Kore) Maurizio Oddo, (Università Kore di Enna) Antonella Versaci, (Kore University of Enna) Celestina Fazia, (Università di Enna Kore) |
Ordinary and everyday heritage, Cultural identity and context enhancement, Cultural landscape, Economic, social and environmental regeneration Reuse and Restoration Repair, Reuse, Smart Recycling Artificial Intelligence Urban and environmental planning Sustainable architectures Architectural and urban design Rural landscapes and architectures |
Alessandro Barracco,, Università kore di Enna (Italy) Celestina Fazia,, Università kore di Enna (Italy) Maurizio Oddo,, Università kore di Enna (Italy) Antonella Versaci,, Università kore di Enna (Italy) Clarastella Vicari Aversa,, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy) Maria Francesca Faro,, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy) Fortunato Alfredo Ascioti,, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy) Mariana Ratiu,, University of Oradea Valentina Ciuffreda,, Università Chieti Pescara (Italy) Kaoutare AMINI ALAOUI, Citinnov SA. for Integrated Territorial Planning & Smart Cities, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco ALANDA AKAMANA,, Citinnov SA. for Integrated Territorial Planning & Smart Cities, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco |
46 |
5th Workshop on Privacy in the Cloud/Edge/IoT World
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
PCEIoT 2025 |
Lelio Campanile, (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli) Mauro Iacono, (Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli) Michele Mastroianni, (University of Salerno) |
The topics relevant for the PCEIoT 2022 Workshop include (but are not limited to): - Attacks and data privacy - Location privacy - Privacy in machine-learning applications - Privacy in health ICT systems - Data anonymization and pseudonimization - Privacy-enhancing technologies - Modelling and simulation - Data security - Privacy policies - Usable privacy technologies - Privacy in IoT-based systems |
Technical Program Committee (to be confirmed): - Arcangelo Castiglione, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Italy, - Maria Ganzha, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland, - Daniel Grzonka, Cracow University of Technology, Poland, - Antonio Iannuzzi, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Italy, - Armando Tacchella, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy, |
47 |
Preserving Our Past: Spatial and Remote Sensing Technologies for Cultural Heritage in a Changing Climate
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
POP 2025 |
Maria Danese, (CNRISPC) Nicola Masini, (CNR) Rosa Lasaponara, (CNR) |
Climate change impacts, cultural heritage vulnerability, spatial data science, remote sensing | Maria Danese,, CNR-ISPC (Institute of Cultural Heritage Science), Italy Nicola Masini,, CNR-ISPC (Institute of Cultural Heritage Science), Italy Rosa Lasaponara,, CNR-IMAA (Institute of Methodologies for environmental analysis), Italy |
48 |
Processes, methods and tools towards RESilient cities and cultural and historic sites prone to SOD and ROD disasters
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
RES 2025 |
Elena Cantatore, (Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh)i, Polytechnic University of Bari (Italy)) Dario Esposito, (Polytechnic University of Bari) Alberico Sonnessa, (Politecnico di Bari) |
The topics covered will relate with the Built Environment, intended as the interpenetration of recently developed urban areas and CHS, and its resilience to critical occurrences by analyzing: - possible threats to which it is subject, such as Slow-Onset Disasters (e.g., landslide, subsidence, heatwave and urban overheating) and Rapid-Onset Disasters (e.g. earthquakes, flooding, terrorist attacks); - possible interferences or multi-dimensionality of effective mitigative strategies in multi-exposed CHS (e.g., natural-based strategies for slow and rapid onset disasters). - tools/techniques/procedures which can support decision managers, including (but not limited) Human Spatial Behaviour models; Geomatics Monitoring and Modelling for CHS, Decision Support Systems. |
- Elena Cantatore, , Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh) – Politecnico di Bari, Italy - Dario Esposito, , Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh) – Politecnico di Bari, Italy - Alberico Sonnessa, , Department of Civil, Environmental, Building Engineering and Chemistry (DICATECh) – Politecnico di Bari, Italy |
49 |
Scientific Computing Infrastructure
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
SCI 2025 |
Vladimir Korkhov, (Saint Petersburg State University) Elena Stankova, (Saint-Petersburg State University) Nataliia Kulabukhova, (SberAutoTech) |
- Distributed, grid, cloud and HPC computing and information systems; - Distributed systems and application performance monitoring; - Virtualization, application containers and delivery techniques; - Distributed databases, key-value stores and parallel file systems for high-performance computing; - Scientific and general workflow systems, scientific virtual experiment tracking and data provenance; - Application portability for heterogeneous and homogeneous distributed computer systems. - Computational environments for numerical modeling of complex natural phenomena and technical processes. - Smart city computational infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, Autonomous trucks and delivery, V2V, V2X (Vehicle-to-Everything communications), Autonomous logistic corridors |
Adam Belloum, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands Dmitry Vasiunin, Deutsche Telekom Cloud Services E.P.E., Greece Serob Balyan, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Suren Abrahamyan, Osensus Arm LLC, Armenia Ashot Gevorkyan, Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems, NAS of Armenia Michal Hnatic, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Koshice, Slovakia Martin Vala, Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach, Košice, Slovakia Nodir Zaynalov, Samarkand branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad al Khwarizmi, Uzbekistan Michail Panteleyev, St.Petersburg Electrotecnical University, St.Petersburg, Russia Nikolay Peryazev, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia Alexander Degtyarev, St.Petersburg State University, Russia Alexander Bogdanov, St.Petersburg State University, Russia |
50 |
Ports and logistics of the future - Smartness and Sustainability
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
SmartPorts 2025 |
Andrea Gallo, (Università degli Studi di Trieste) Gianfranco Fancello, (University of Cagliari) Giuseppe Borruso, (University of Trieste) Enrico Dagostini, (University of Malta) Silvia Battino, (University of Sassari) Veronica Camerada, (Università degli studi di Sassari) |
"The workshop takes a closer look at how ports make use of intelligent technologies to improve the sustainability of their operations. The workshop will discuss, but it will be not limited to, sustainable port strategies and technologies related to: - operations (information sharing, automation, simulation, ICT, routing, tracking, tracing, etc.); - environment (air, water and noise pollution, waste treatment, circular economy, sustainable planning, port-city relations between peripheries and inner harbors etc.); - strategic, urban and industrial planning (transport and land-use, city-port and dry port city connections, new industrial spaces); - energy (energy management, renewable sources, cold ironing, LNG, etc.); - economy and policy (market strategies, free zone, cooperation policies, etc.); - ports as nodes in circular economy (urban, industrial and port location decisions and management; energy, resources and waste management and planning, etc.); - safety (accidents prevention, hazardous goods, human factors, training, etc.); - security (cybersecurity, blockchain, security against terrorist and unlawful acts, illegal trafficking, etc.). The potential topics of the workshop include (but not limited to): Smart Ports; Sustainable Ports; IoT, ICT; Safety and Security; Circular Economy; Port of the future; Inner harbours and dry port planning; Cities and dry ports. Urban and regional logistics; Global and Local Supply Chain; City, port and industry relations; Port regions; Free Zones and International Ports; Urban, Regional, Port and Industrial Planning. " |
Giuseppe, Borruso,, University of Trieste, Italy; Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy; Ginevra, Balletto,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Silvia, Battino,, University of Sassari, Italy; Mara, Ladu,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Maria del Mar, Munoz Leonisio,, University of Cadiz, Spain; Ahinoa, Amaro Garcia,, University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, Spain; Maria, Attard,, University of Malta, Malta; Enrico, Dagostini,, World Maritime University, Malta; Francesca, Krasna,, University of Trieste, Italy; Tu Anh, Trinh,, Institute of Smart City and Management - College of Technology and Design of UEH University - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Giovanni, Mauro,, Università degli Studi della Campania, Italy; Maria, Ronza,, University of Naples - Federico II, Italy; Massimiliano, Bencardino,, University of Salerno, Italy; Andrea, Gallo,, University Ca Foscari, Venice, Italy; Francesca, Sinatra, University of Trieste, Italy; Salvatore, Dore,, University of Trieste, Italy; Veronica, Camerada,, University of Sassari, Italy; Brunella, Brundu,, University of Sassari, Italy; Gianfranco, Fancello, , University of Cagliari, Italy; Marcello, Tadini,, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy; Marco, Mazzarino,, , IUAV Univeristy Venice, Italy; José Ángel, Hernández Luis, , University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; Marco, Naseddu,, University of Cagliari, Italy Maurizio, Cociancich,, Adriafer, Italy Giovanni, Longo, , University of Trieste, Italy; Luca, Toneatti,, University of Trieste, Italy; Martina, Sinatra,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Enrico, Vanino, , University of Sheffield, England; Patrizia, Serra,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Agostino, Bruzzone,, University of Genoa, Italy; Marco, Petrelli, , University of Roma 3, Italy; |
51 |
Smart Transport and Logistics - Smart Supply Chains
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
SmarTransLog 2025 |
Francesca Sinatra, (University of Trieste) Maria del Mar Munoz, (University of Cádiz) Brunella Brundu, (Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Aziendali) Patrizia Serra, (University of Cagliari) Salvatore Dore, (Università di Trieste) Marco Naseddu, (University of Cagliari DICAAR Department of Civil Engineering, Enviromental and Architecture) |
Are logistic and transport systems capable of becoming smart? The workshop will take a closer look at how transport systems and logistic supply chains can make use of intelligent technologies to improve the sustainability of their operations at all scales, urban, regional/national, and global. The workshop will discuss, but it will be not limited to, sustainable port strategies and technologies related to: - operations (information sharing, automation, simulation, ICT, routing, tracking, tracing, etc.); - environment (air, water and noise pollution, waste treatment, circular economy, sustainable planning, etc.); - energy (energy management, renewable sources, cold ironing, LNG, etc.); - economy and policy (market strategies, free zone, cooperation policies, etc.). - safety (accidents prevention, hazardous goods, human factors, training, etc.); - security (cybersecurity, blockchain, security against terrorist and unlawful acts, illegal trafficking, etc.). Given the focus of the Conference on Computational Science issues, special attention will be devoted to the domain areas of ICT, IoT, geographical data and GIS, big data, and computational applications to achieve more sustainable operations. Topics: Smart Transport; Smart Logistics; Global Supply Chains; Sustainable Transport; IoT; ICT; Safety and Security; Circular Economy; Transports of the future. |
Giuseppe, Borruso,, University of Trieste, Italy; Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy; Ginevra, Balletto,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Silvia, Battino,, University of Sassari, Italy; Mara, Ladu,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Maria del Mar, Munoz Leonisio,, University of Cadiz, Spain; Ahinoa, Amaro Garcia,, University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, Spain; Maria, Attard,, University of Malta, Malta; Enrico, Dagostini,, World Maritime University, Malta; Francesca, Krasna,, University of Trieste, Italy; Tu Anh, Trinh,, Institute of Smart City and Management - College of Technology and Design of UEH University - Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam; Giovanni, Mauro,, Università degli Studi della Campania, Italy; Maria, Ronza,, University of Naples - Federico II, Italy; Massimiliano, Bencardino,, University of Salerno, Italy; Andrea, Gallo,, University Ca Foscari, Venice, Italy; Francesca, Sinatra, University of Trieste, Italy; Salvatore, Dore,, University of Trieste, Italy; Veronica, Camerada,, University of Sassari, Italy; Brunella, Brundu,, University of Sassari, Italy; Gianfranco, Fancello, , University of Cagliari, Italy; Marcello, Tadini,, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy; Marco, Mazzarino,, , IUAV Univeristy Venice, Italy; José Ángel, Hernández Luis, , University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain; Marco, Naseddu,, University of Cagliari, Italy Maurizio, Cociancich,, Adriafer, Italy Giovanni, Longo, , University of Trieste, Italy; Luca, Toneatti,, University of Trieste, Italy; Martina, Sinatra,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Enrico, Vanino, , University of Sheffield, England; Patrizia, Serra,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Agostino, Bruzzone,, University of Genoa, Italy; Marco, Petrelli, , University of Roma 3, Italy; |
52 |
Smart Tourism
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
SmartTourism 2025 |
Silvia Battino, (University of Sassari) Francesca Krasna, (Università degli Studi di Trieste) Ainhoa Amaro, (ulpgc) Maria del Mar Munoz, (University of Cádiz) Brisol García García, (Universidad Politécnica de Quintana Roo) Marta Meleddu, (University of Sassari) |
Smart Tourism; Smart Tourism Destinations; Smart Cities; Smart Villages; Geography of Tourism; ICT; Tourist Experience; Accessibility; Smart Rural Areas; Sustainable Development; Cultural heritage; Creativity; Digitalization; Artificial Intelligence in Tourism; Socio-spatial impacts and conflicts. | Giuseppe, Borruso,, University of Trieste, Italy; Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy; Gianfranco, Fancello,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Mara, Ladu,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Martina, Sinatra,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Salvatore, Dore,, University of Trieste, Italy; Marco, Mazzarino,, IUAV Univeristy Venice, Italy; Veronica, Camerada,, Univeristy of Sassari, Italy; Brunella, Brundu,, Univerisity of Sassari, Italy; Maria, Attard,, University of Malta, Malta; Ginevra, Balletto,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Tu Anh Trinh, Institute of Smart City and Management - College of Technology and Design fo UEH University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam), Giovanni, Mauro,, Università degli Studi della Campania, Italy; Maria, Ronza,, University of Naples, Federico II, Italy; Massimiliano, Bencardino,, University of Salerno, Italy. |
53 |
Sustainable evolution of long-Distance frEight and paSsenger Transport
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
Francesco Russo, (university of reggio calabria) Andreas Nikiforiadis, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Orlando Marco Belcore, (University of Messina) Antonio Comi, (Department of Enterprise Engineering, University of Rome Tor Vergata) Tiziana Campisi, (University of Enna KORE) Aura Rusca, (National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest) |
The workshop topics of interest are as follows: • Sustainable development of transport and logistics according to the goals of Agenda 2030 • Suburban travel demand analysis • Roads , railways and developing infrastructures • Impacts of high speed rail in economic regions lagging behind: methods and case studies • Methods and models for high speed rail travel demand analysis • Methods and models to estimate the capacity of railway corridors • Environmental impacts of suburban infrastructures and services • TEN-T and RFC corridors for increasing sustainable freight mobility at European level • Emerging Information Communication Technology (e-ICT): smart-roads and smart-railways |
Osvaldo,Gervasi,, University of Perugia, Italy Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy Chiara, Garau,, University of Cagliari, Italy |
54 |
Sustainability Performance Assessment: Models, Approaches, and Applications Toward Interdisciplinary and Integrated Solutions
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
SPA 2025 |
Francesco Scorza, (University of Basilicata) Sabrina Lai, (University of Cagliari. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture) Francesco Rotondo, (Università Politecnica delle Marche) Jolanta Dvarioniene, (Kaunas University of Technology) Michele Campagna, (University of Cagliari DICAAR) Corrado Zoppi, (University of Cagliari) |
Contributions are welcome, but not limited to, the following topics: • Sustainable management of natural resources (including: water management, land use and land cover changes, resource efficiency, biodiversity and ecosystem services) • Sustainable energy (including: energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, smart energy systems, smart buildings, smart grids, energy planning) • Sustainability and assessment tools (including: environmental impact assessment, strategic environmental assessment, life cycle assessment, corporate social responsibility) • Sustainability and social challenges (including social inclusion, territorial cooperation, planning for resilient communities, participatory planning processes, urban environment) • Sustainability and climate change (including strategies for mitigation and adaptation, planning for resilience) • Sustainability in actions: implementing the 2030 Agenda at the national, regional, and local scales. • Sustainability and risks (including disaster risk management, disaster risk reductions, urban and regional resilience, risk assessment) • Sustainability in urban and regional planning (applied models and principles in sample case study including local practices reports, international thematic experiences, innovations in regional and national legislations) • Sustainability and Circular Economy (as an application domain for effective interdisciplinary applications) • Computational Sustainability (optimization societal, economic, and environmental resources, applied data mining, machine learning and spatial geo-computation) • Geodesign for urban and territorial design and long-term policy making |
Federico, Amato,, University of Lausanne, Switzerland Ferdinando, Di Carlo,, University of Basilicata, Italy Maddalena, Floris,, University of Cagliari, Italy Federica, Isola,, University of Cagliari, Italy Giuseppe, Las Casas,, University of Basilicata, Italy Federica, Leone,, University of Cagliari, Italy Giampiero, Lombardini,, University of Genoa, Italy Federico, Martellozzo,, Florence University, Italy Alessandro, Marucci, , L’Aquila University, Italy Ana Clara, Moura,, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy Silviu. Nate,,Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania Anastasia, Stratigea,, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece Francesco, Zullo,, L’Aquila University, Italy Luigi, Santopietro,, University of Basilicata, Italy Benedetto, Manganelli,, University of Basilicata, Italy |
55 |
Specifics of smart cities development in Europe
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
SPEED 2025 |
Chiara Garau , (DICAAR, University of Cagliari) Katarína Vitálišová, (Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics) Marco Fanfani, (University of Florence) Anna Vaňová, (Matej Bel University) Kamila Borsekova, (Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics) Paola Zamperlin, (University of Pisa) |
Themes: Smart cities, Smart governance, Open governance, Open Data, Urban growth, Participation, Big Data, IoT/IoE, Sustainability, Hyper Strategic Planning, Competitiveness, Cohesion, Conservation, Urban and Regional Planning. | Claudia Loggia,, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; Francesca Maltinti,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Alessandro Plaisant,, University of Sassari, Italy; Alenka Poplin,, Iowa State University, US; Silvia Rossetti,, University of Parma, Italy; Gerardo Carpentieri,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Carmen Guida,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Floriana Zucaro,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Anastasia Stratigea,, National Technical University of Athens; Yiota Theodora, National Technical University of Athens; Giovanna Concu,, DICAAR - University of Cagliari; Paolo Nesi,, University of Florence, Italy; Emanuele Bellini,, UNIROMA3, Italy. |
56 |
Smart, Safe, and Healthy Cities
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
SSHC 2025 |
Chiara Garau , (DICAAR, University of Cagliari) Gerardo Carpentieri, (University of Naples Federico II) Carmen Guida, (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) Tanja Congiu, (Department of Architecture Design and Urban Planning University of Sassari) Martina Carra, (University of Brescia) Alenka Poplin, (Iowa State University) |
The workshop will host contributions focusing on the theoretical and methodological approaches related to the construction of a smart, safe and healthy city for the post-pandemic scenario. More precisely, the pertinent topics will include: i) the conceptualisation of the post-pandemic city within the perspective of the smarter, safer, and healthier city; ii) the influence of physical components of the urban built environment on quality of life; iii) the role of public and open spaces to promote a liveable and sustainable urban environment; iv) the influence of urban characteristics on the perception of the built environment from the different categories of citizens; v) the analytic methods, tools and techniques to support urban decision process oriented to smart, safe and healthy cities; vi) strategies of urban planning within a perspective of sustainability, inclusion and cohesion. Given the focus of the Conference on Computational Science issues, the workshop welcomes contributions on ICT and computational aspects, proposals, and applications from a wide variety of scholars on the above-mentioned issues. |
Rosaria Battarra,, Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo, CNR, Italy; Barbara Caselli,, University of Parma Italy; Francesca Maltinti,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Romano Fistola,, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy; Sabrina Lai,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Claudia Loggia,, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa; Alessandro Plaisant,, University of Sassari, Italy; Silvia Rossetti,, University of Parma, Italy; Reza Askarizad,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Floriana Zucaro,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Anastasia Stratigea,, National Technical University of Athens; Yiota Theodora, National Technical University of Athens; Giovanna Concu,, DICAAR - University of Cagliari Francesco Zullo,, University of L’Aquila, Italy; Paola Zamperlin,, University of Florence, Italy; Vincenza Torrisi,, University of Catania, Italy; Katarína Vitálišová,, Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics, Slovakia Tazyeen Alam,, University of Cagliari, Italy |
57 |
Smart and Sustainable Island Communities
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
SSIC 2025 |
Chiara Garau , (DICAAR, University of Cagliari) Anastasia Stratigea, (National Technical University of Athens) Yiota Theodora, (National Technical University of Athens) Giovanna Concu, (DICAAR University of Cagliari) |
Main Themes: Smart and Sustainable Islands, Climate Change and Island territories, Smart Cities and Regions, Smart Governance, Smart Communities, Smart mobility in island territories, Open Data, Big Data, Cultural Heritage Management / Cultural Identity, Distributive Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, Competitiveness, Cohesion, Conservation, Urban and Regional Planning | Milena Metalkova-Markova,, University of Portsmouth, UK; Tarek Teba,, University of Portsmouth, UK; Alenka Poplin,, Iowa State University, US; Gerardo Carpentieri,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Carmen Guida,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Floriana Zucaro,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Maria Panagiotopoulou,, National Technical University of Athens, Greece; Apostolos Lagarias,, Univ. of Thessaly, Greece; Paola Zamperlin,, University of Florence, Italy; Vincenza Torrisi,, University of Catania, Italy; Giuseppina Vacca,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Roberto Minunno,, Curtin University, Perth, Australia; |
58 |
From STreet Experiments to Planned Solutions
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
STEPS 2025 |
Silvia Rossetti, (Università degli Studi di Parma) Angela Ricciardello, (Univeristà di Enna Kore) Francesco Pinna, (University of Cagliari) Chiara Garau, (DICAAR, University of Cagliari) Tiziana Campisi, (University of Enna KORE) Vincenza Torrisi, (University of Catania) |
Street experiments; Cities; Sustainable and active mobility; Street space; Tactical urbanism; Walkability; Social spaces; Accessibility; Safety; GIS; Dynamics models; Optimisation; Traffic simulation; Users behaviour. | Martina CARRA, (University of Brescia) Barbara CASELLI, (University of Parma) Tanja CONGIU, (University of Sassari) Gabriele D’ORSO, (University of Palermo) Matteo IGNACCOLO, (University of Catania) Md Kh NAHIDUZZAMAN, (University of British Columbia) Muhammad Ahmad AL-RASHID, (University of Malaya) Alessandro PLAISANT, (University of Sassari) Marianna RUGGIERI, (University of Enna Kore) Michele ZAZZI, (University of Parma) |
59 |
Sustainable Tourism Evaluations: approaches, methods and indicators
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
STEva 2025 |
Mariolina Grasso, (Università Kore di Enna) Fabrizio Finucci, (Roma Tre University) Daniele Mazzoni, (Università degli Studi Roma Tre) Antonella G. Masanotti, (Roma Tre University) Giovanna Acampa, (University of Florence) |
Evaluation and measurement of overtourism impact; multidimensional approaches for economic growth and environmental sustainability conflict; approaches and methods for stakeholder engagement; Evaluation approaches for tourism seasonality; Environmental and social impact evaluation of transport field. |
Giovanna Acampa, University of Florence, Fabrizio Finucci, Roma Tre University, Mariolina Grasso, "Kore” University of Enna, Antonella G. Masanotti, Roma Tre University, Daniele Mazzoni, Roma Tre University, |
60 |
Sustainable development of PORTS
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
Tiziana Campisi, (University of Enna KORE) Giuseppe Musolino, (DIIES Università Mediterranea di Reaggio Calabria) Efstathios Bouhouras, (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) Elen Twrdy, (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport) Elena Cocuzza CCZLNE78A47C351W, (DICAR, Univesity of Catania) Aura Rusca, (National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest) |
The workshop topics of interest are as follows: • Sustainable development of ports according to the goals of Agenda 2030 • Port-City relationships • Industrial ports • Theory and Case studies of Ports Competition and Cooperation • Container ports and the creation of value added in the hinterland area • Factors affecting port performances • Emerging Information Communication Technology (e-ICT) in the ports and Port Community Systems • Port Resilience and Risk Management • Green ports and decarbonization • Use of renewable energy in ports • Intermodal and Multi-modal Logistics at port nodes • Ports and Special Economic Zones • Port accessibility and network analysis |
Osvaldo,Gervasi,, University of Perugia, Italy Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy Chiara, Garau,, University of Cagliari, Italy |
61 |
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry and its Applications
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
TCCMA 2025 |
Noelia Faginas Lago, (Dipartimento di Chimica,Biologia e Biotecnologie, Università di Perugia) Andrea Lombardi, (Università di Perugia) Marcos Mandado Alonso, (Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Vigo, Spain) |
1. Molecular Dynamics simulations of complex systems; strategies for optimisation of the computing resources (parallel and distributed computing) 2. Simulation of electronic transport in molecules, conductive polymers and semiconductor 3. Simulations of energy transfer processes relevant for atmospheric chemistry, astrochemistry, gaseous flows and plasmas 4. Stereodynamics and chirality of molecular collisions Dynamics and kinetics simulations reusing the computed electronic structure information generated by ab initio calculations from specific databases 6. Design and implementation of accurate and fast algorithms for parallel and distributed platforms (such as Grids and Clouds) to maximize performances extending the available information on molecular interactions 7.Quantum chemical calculations for molecular structure and dynamics (DFT, TDDFT, Car–Parrinello molecular dynamics....) 8. Machine learning and deep learning approaches applied to structure and dynamics of large systems and biomolecules |
Noelia Faginas-Lago,,(Università degli Studi di Perugia), Perugia, Italy Andrea Lombardi,, (Università degli Studi di Perugia), Perugia, Italy Marcos Mandado,, (Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Vigo, Spain. Jose Hermida, (Department of Physical Chemistry), University of Vigo, Spain Angeles Peña, (Department of Physical Chemistry), University of Vigo, Spain Luca Mancini,,(Università degli Studi di Perugia), Perugia, Italy Massimiliano Bartolomei,, CSIC, Spagna Fermin Huarte,, Universitat de Barcelona, Spagna |
62 |
Transport Infrastructures for Smart Cities
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
TISC 2025 |
Francesca Maltinti, (University of Cagliari) Mauro Coni, (University of Cagliari) Francesco Pinna, (University of Cagliari) Benedetto Barabino, (University of Brescia) Nicoletta Rassu, (Università di Cagliari) James Rombi, (University of Cagliari) |
Focusing on “Transport Infrastructures for Smart Cities”, this workshop may explore (but is not limited) these relevant issues: • Urban inclusive design for urban spaces • Greenways planning·and design • Recycled and reused materials · • Alternative and multifunctional materials • Human factors affecting road design • Stormwater management with green streets • Safer and more resilient mobility· • Street design for emergency responds· • Circular economy·applied to transport infrastructures • Transport Infrastructures for connected and autonomous mobility • Sensors smart grid for mobility and road management system • Sustainable infrastructures and green pavement· • Traffic managment and safety • Infrastructures energetic impact and mitigation· • Intelligent Transport Systems and info mobility • Innovative technologies and materials to mitigate heat islands, improve air quality and water management • The future view of road design |
Francesca Maltinti,, University of Cagliari, Italy Mauro Coni,, University of Cagliari, Italy Francesco Pinna,, University of Cagliari, Italy Benedetto Barabino,, University of Brescia, Italy James Rombi,, University of Cagliari, Italy Nicoletta Rassu,, University of Cagliari, Italy |
63 |
Transforming Urban Analytics: The Impact of Crowdsourced Mapping and Advanced AI Techniques on Future Cities
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
Tr-UrbAna 2025 |
Ayse Giz Gulnerman Gengec, (Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University) Müslüm Hacar, (Yildiz Technical University) Himmet Karaman, (Istanbul Technical University) |
Crowdsourced Mapping in Urban Analytics Data Quality and Integrity Challenges Role of Generative AI and LLMs in Data Enhancement Predictive Modeling for Urban Planning and Policy The Future of Community-Driven Urban Analysis Ethical and Social Implications of AI in Urban Analytics |
Beniamino, Murgante,, University of Basilicata, Italy |
64 |
From structural to TRAnsformative-change of City Environment: challenges & solutions & perspectives
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
TRACE 2025 |
Pierluigi Morano, (Polytechnic University of Bari) Maria Rosaria Guarini, (Department of Architecture and Design Faculty of Architecture Sapienza University of Rome) Francesco Sica, (Department of Architecture and Design, Sapienza University of Rome) Francesco Tajani, (Department of Architecture and Design, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) Marco Locurcio, (Polytechnic University of Bari) Debora Anelli, (Department of Architecture and Project,Sapienza University of Rome, Italy) |
Transformative change; City; Sustainable development; Economic evaluation; Decisions-support systems | n.a. |
65 |
Temporary Real Estate management: Approaches and methods for Time-integrated impact assessments and evaluations
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
TREAT 2025 |
Chiara Mazzarella, (TUDelft) Hilde Remoy, (Delft University of Technology) Maria Cerreta, (Department of Architecture University of Naples Federico II) |
Real estate management, temporary use, adaptive reuse, urban analysis, impact assessment, value assessment, multidimensional evaluation, commons | Chiara, Mazzarella,, TUDelft, Netherlands Hilde, Remoy,, TUDelft, Netherlands Maria, Cerreta,, UNINA, Italy |
66 |
Supporting the Transition to Ecological Economy in cities Regeneration: circular model tools for reusing architecture and infrastructures
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
TReE 2025 |
Mariarosaria Angrisano, (Pegaso University) |
1. Circular economy model; 2. Circular city model; 3. Circular adaptive reuse of cultural heritage; 3. Multidimensional convenience of reusing existing built heritage; 4. Multidimensional and multicriteria evaluation tools for cultural heritage reuse; 5. Ecological Economy; 6. Circular Ecological Heritage Communities |
Antonia Gravagnuolo,, Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale; Mariarosaria Angrisano,, Università Telematica Pegaso; Giulio Cavana,, Politecnico di Torino; Francesca Buglione,, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II |
67 |
Urban Digital Twins and Data Spaces: Shaping the Future of Sustainable Cities
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
TwinАbleCities 2025 |
Dessislava Petrova Antonova, (Sofia University, GATE Institute) |
1. Connecting Real and Virtual Worlds: Explore how UDTs create detailed digital replicas of urban environments, utilising static, dynamic and real-time data from infrastructure, urban processes and citizens. This topic focuses on how UDTs support data-driven decisions, making cities smarter, safer, and more resilient. 2. Urban Digital Twins Applications: Explore how UDTs and Data Spaces have been successfully implemented in various sectors and how they continuously evolve to reflect urban environments. Present innovative use cases showing how UDTs improve sustainability, mobility, and urban efficiency through seamless data integration. 3. Sustainability and Climate Resilience: Discuss the role of UDTs and Data Spaces in addressing global environmental challenges. Share research on how digital twins can mitigate the impacts of climate change, foster biodiversity, reduce pollution, disaster mapping and emergency response, and support energy transition efforts through smart city models and real-time data analytics. 4. UDTs for Liveable and Productive Urban Spaces: Investigate how UDTs enhance the quality of urban life by improving urban planning, spatial design, and public services. This topic will cover the development of walkable cities, smart mobility, and how digital replicas can optimise city productivity and liveability. 5. UDTs and Data Spaces Synergy: Showcase the integration of UDTs and Data Spaces to facilitate intelligent urban planning. Papers highlighting the fusion of spatial and non-spatial data and the development of intelligent systems for urban management are particularly welcome. 6. Scaling UDTs Globally: Examine the potential for scaling UDTs to different cities worldwide, including challenges related to interoperability, data standards, and adapting UDTs to varying urban and regional contexts. |
Dessislava Petrova-Antonova,, Sofia University, GATE Institute, Bulgaria Mila Koeva,, The University of Twente, ITC, The Netherlands |
68 |
Urban Regeneration: Innovative Tools and Evaluation Model
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
URITEM 2024 |
Fabrizio Battisti, (Department of Architetture University of Florence) giovanna acampa, (Università Kore di Enna) Orazio Campo, (University of Rome "La Sapienza") |
Urban Regeneration; Sustainable urban and regional development; Urban and regional growth; Decision Support Systems; Complexity assessment and mapping; Smart and Sustainable Cities. | Fabrizio Battisti,, Department of Architecture, University of Florence, Italy Giovanna Acampa,, Department of Architecture, University of Florence, Italy Orazio.Campo,, Department of Planning, Design, Tehcnology of Architecture, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy |
69 |
Urban Space Accessibility and Mobilities
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
USAM 2025 |
Chiara Garau , (DICAAR, University of Cagliari) Alessandro Plaisant, (Dept. Architecture, Design and Urban Planning The University of Sassari) Barbara Caselli, (Università degli Studi di Parma) Mauro D Apuzzo, (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio) Gabriele D Orso, (University of Palermo) Matteo Ignaccolo, (University of Catania) |
Focusing on inclusive, diverse and universal accessibility, this workshop invites critical exploration (but not limited to) the following issues: Studying and recognizing the specificities and differences between the various user groups, identifying needs, opportunities and abilities and, challenging the ‘one size fits all’ approach of current transport policies; Analysis of spatial conditions necessary for design and creation of spaces, strategies and measures to promote universal accessibility; Tools and methods for integrated approaches for decision making to ensure spatial quality of public spaces, level of safety and security, contrasting urban degradation and how foster a comprehensive regeneration of urban spaces according to universal accessibility criteria; Supporting public system strategies in order to guarantee an optimal use of resources for the creation of overall present and future value in local communities; Promoting social inclusion and raising people’s well-being and autonomy also through the development of knowledge, methodologies, technological tools and advanced automation techniques. Keywords: Accessibility, Mobilities, Safety, Urban space, Cities, Augmented reality, Virtual reality, Accessibility design, Cultural tourism accessibility, ITS, Innovative flexible services, Real-time information, Big-data. |
Mauro Coni,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Martina Carra,, University of Brescia, Italy; Tiziana Campisi,, University of Enna Kore, Italy; Tanja Congiu,, University of Sassari, Italy; Francesca Maltinti,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Silvia Rossetti,, University of Parma, Italy; Angela Pilogallo, , Italian National Research Council, Italy; Lorena Fiorini,, University of L’Aquila, Italy; Reza Askarizad,, University of Cagliari, Italy; Francesco Pinna,, University of Cagliari; Aime Tsinda,, University of Rwanda, Rwanda; Youssef El Ganadi,, International University of Rabat, Morocco; Marco Migliore,, University of Palermo, Italy; Alessio Salvatore,, Italian National Research Council, Italy; Giuseppe Stecca,, Italian National Research Council, Italy; Paola Zamperlin,, University of Florence, Italy; Vincenza Torrisi,, University of Catania, Italy; Gerardo Carpentieri,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Carmen Guida,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; Floriana Zucaro,, University of Naples Federico II, Italy; |
70 |
UX Mobility 2025: Placing User Experience at the Center of Urban Mobility – Methods and Frameworks
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
UXM 2025 |
Carmen Guida, (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II) Gerardo Carpentieri, (University of Naples Federico II) Federico Messa, (Fondazione Transform Transport ETS) Lamia Abdelfattah, (Transform Transport ETS) |
Papers submitted to this Call should focus on one of the three main themes of the workshop as outlined below. Each theme will compose one of 3 tracks during the workshop session in which selected papers will be presented and discussed together. 1. Inclusive Mobility Design through Customized Mobility Services Description: This theme would focus on applying computational techniques to design transportation systems tailored to individual user needs. Contributions to this track should emphasize how personalized solutions in urban mobility can be created by analyzing user behavior, preferences, and mobility patterns. Submissions could focus on approaches like machine learning, predictive analytics, and network analysis for providing real-time, user-centric solutions. Topics include but are not restricted to: Predictive Analytics for Personalized Transportation User Behavior Modeling and Pattern Recognition Real-Time Adaptive Mobility Solutions Machine Learning for Personalization in Mobility Apps Intelligent Routing Systems Based on User Preferences 2. Data-Driven Urban Mobility for Vulnerable and Underrepresented Groups Description: This theme would emphasize the role of computational methods in improving mobility for vulnerable populations, including the elderly, users living with various disabilities, children, women, gender minorities, migrants, etc. It would focus on how data collection and processing can help identify and address the unique needs of these groups, between standardized Big Data sources and detailed and tailor-made Small Data sources, leading to more inclusive transportation planning. Contributions could highlight participatory GIS, crowdsourcing data, and other computational techniques that improve accessibility. Topics include but are not restricted to: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Accessibility Planning Agent-Based Modeling for Vulnerable Populations Crowdsourcing Data for Mobility Needs of Underrepresented Groups Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Analyzing User Feedback Optimization Algorithms for Accessible Transportation Systems 3. Computational Techniques Behind Urban and Mobility Apps Description: This theme would focus on computational techniques behind the development of urban and mobility apps that empower users to navigate and interact with cities more effectively and according to specific needs. This track will explore how computational tools, including machine learning, data analytics, geospatial modeling, and real-time data processing, are used to create web-based and mobile platforms that enhance urban user experiences. This would include a focus on improving access to services, information, safety, accessibility, and comfort. The theme encompasses computational techniques for integrating large datasets from IoT devices, transit systems, and user feedback to optimize city navigation and services. In recent years, various mobile and web applications have attempted to provide customized services for urban users with specific needs to help them make the most of their urban experiences. Examples of these vary from navigation apps to safety reporting tools and advanced wayfinding technologies. Topics include but are not limited to: Real-Time Data Integration and Processing for Urban Mobility Apps Machine Learning for Personalized Mobility Solutions Geospatial Data Analytics and Visualization in Urban Navigation Natural Language Processing (NLP) for User Feedback Integration Crowdsourced Data and Participatory Planning Tools Route Optimization and Travel Time Prediction Algorithms Gamification and Engagement Algorithms in Mobility Apps The workshop organizers have shortlisted the following apps as relevant use cases and aims to approach promoters and developers of these and similar applications for potential participation in the workshop, inviting them to contribute with a keynote address or to participate in roundtable discussions on the topic. Bike District - routing planner for cyclists based on specific parameters Cool Walks - routing planner for users based on climate comfort/ shaded routes NaviLens - wayfinding app for visually impaired persons MySafetipin app - personal safety app based on crowdsourced safety reporting Walkability app - reporting app for walking experience based on specific parameters wheelmap - reporting app for wheelchair access and mobility impairments VIOLA app - walking safety app for women with resources for urban safe spaces and video call support services |
Rosaria Battarra,, Istituto di Studi sul Mediterraneo, CNR, Italy. Romano Fistola,, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy. John Zacharias,, Peking University, China. Lucia Saganeiti,, Institute of methodologies for environmental analysis (IMAA), CNR, Italy. |
71 |
Virtual Reality and Augmented reality and applications
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
VRA 2025 |
Damiano Perri, (University of Perugia) Osvaldo Gervasi, (University of Perugia) Chau Ma thi, (University of Engineering and Technology, Vietnam National University,Hanoi) Paolo Nesi, (unifi disit lab) Pierfrancesco Bellini, (University of Florence) |
- Medical and Healthcare Applications of VR and AR - Education, Training and Simulation in VR and AR - Industrial and Manufacturing Use Cases - VR and AR Hardware and Devices - Immersive Storytelling in VR and AR - 3D Modeling and Rendering for VR and AR - Serious Games for VR and AR - VR and AR Gaming - Design, Development Tools for VR and AR - User Experience (UX) in VR and AR - Ethics and Privacy in VR and AR - Challenges and Future Trends in VRA |
David Berti,, ART SpA, Italy JungYoon Kim,, Gachon University, South Korea TaiHoon Kim,,Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, China |
72 |
VULNerability of architectural and Urban Systems. Response to the transformative change dynamics and local strategies for sustainability and resilience
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
VulnUS 2025 |
Angrilli Massimo, (Università dAnnunzio) Tiziana Campisi, (University of Enna KORE) Celestina Fazia, (Università di Enna Kore) Kh Md Nahiduzzaman, (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University) Hassan Radoine, (Mohammed VI Polytechnic University) Clara Stella Vicari Aversa, (Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria) |
Urban and environmental planning and re-design From urbanization to “sub-urbanization” and “ruralization” Urban and territorial resilience Transformational planning for the “beyond” future Sustainable landscape design Architecture and urban design Environmental and infrastructural risk engineering Sustainable conservation of the environment Urban risk assessment and strategies for mitigation Infrastructures finance, planning and management Changing rural landscapes and connection with the territories |
Massimo Angrilli,, Università di Chieti Pescara (Italy) Tiziana Campisi,, University of Enna Kore (Italy) Celestina Fazia,, University of Enna Kore (Italy) Kh Md Nahiduzzaman,, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) (Morocco) Hassan Radoine,, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) (Morocco) Clara Stella Vicari Aversa,, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria (Italy) Alessandro Camiz,, Università d’Annunzio (Italy) Alessandro Barracco,, Università Kore di Enna (Italy) Mario Morrica, CdL DTC, UNIURB (Italy) Dorina Camelia Ilies,, University of Oradea, Department of Geography, Tourism and Territorial Planning Mariana Ratiu,, University of Oradea THOWAYEB Hassan,, SOCIAL studies dept, College of Arts, King Faisal University (Saudi Arabia) ALANDA AKAMANA,, Citinnov SA. for Integrated Territorial Planning & Smart Cities, Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco |
73 |
Workshop on Advanced and Computational Methods for Earth Science applications
deadline: March 28, 2025 |
WACM4ES 2025 |
Luca Piroddi, (University of Cagliari) PATRIZIA CAPIZZI, (University of Palermo) Marilena Cozzolino, (Università del Molise) Sebastiano D'Amico, (University of Malta) Chiara Garau, (DICAAR, University of Cagliari) Giuseppina Vacca, (University of Cagliari) |
Main Topics include: • Advanced applications of proximal and remote sensing, applied geophysics for engineering, environmental and cultural heritage issues; • Natural resources characterisation, soil vulnerability, groundwater quality assessment, saltwater intrusion, soil salinisation, coastal erosion, and pollutant transport; • Geological risks assessment: subsidence, landslides and instability issues, volcanoes, earthquakes; • Micro-geophysics and cultural heritage diagnostics; • Wide area prospections; • Automated and unmanned vehicles-based acquisitions; • Infrared vision; • Photogrammetry; • Geomatics; • Drones and aerial observations; • Oceanography; • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications to Earth Science and Earth Observation; • Smart solutions for Earth Sciences; • Earth Sciences towards sustainability; • Modelling, data mining, and evaluation techniques for Earth science; • Risk assessment, early warning and forecasting techniques and applications; • Environmental monitoring and in-situ observations; • Extreme event observations and analysis; • Multispectral and hyperspectral data acquisition methods and applications; |
Andrea Angelini (ISPC – CNR – Rome, Italy) Patrizia Capizzi (University of Palermo, Italy) Marilena Cozzolino (University of Molise, Italy), Sebastiano D’Amico (University of Malta, Malta), Chiara Garau (University of Cagliari, Italy) Paolo Mauriello (University of Molise, Italy) Luca Piroddi (University of Cagliari, Italy) Roberto Ricciu (University of Cagliari, Italy) Giuseppina Vacca (University of Cagliari, Italy) |