Call for papers
Galatasaray University, Istanbul, Türkiye
June 30-July 3, 2025
The ICCSA 2025 conference will be organized in Istanbul, Türkiye. Virtual registration (with a reduced registration fee) is still possible, but this is to facilitate researchers suffering from critical economic and political situations.
ICCSA 2025 will be the next event in a series of highly successful International Conferences on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), previously held in Hanoi - Vietnam (2024), Athens - Greece (2023), Malaga - Spain (2022), in Cagliari - Italy (2021), online (2020, as an online-only event due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions), Saint Petersburg - Russia (2019), Melbourne - Australia (2018), Trieste - Italy (2017), Beijing - China (2016), Banff - Canada (2015), Guimaraes - Portugal (2014), Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam (2013), Salvador da Bahia - Brazil (2012), Santander - Spain (2011), Fukuoka - Japan (2010), Suwon - Korea (2009), Perugia - Italy (2008), Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia (2007), Glasgow - United Kingdom (2006), Singapore - Singapore(2005), Assisi - Italy (2004), Montreal - Canada (2003), and, as ICCS, in Amsterdam - The Netherlands (2002) and San Francisco - USA (2001).
Computational science is central to most current research, industrial, and commercial activities and uniquely exploits innovative ICT technologies.
The ICCSA Conference offers an opportunity to bring together scientists of different disciplines, discuss new issues, tackle complex problems, and find advanced solutions that breed new trends in computational science.
Submitted papers will be subject to stringent peer review by at least three experts and carefully evaluated based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of exposition. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings and be published (authorization is still pending) by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The authors of a selected number of top-quality papers will be requested to extend their papers for further review and publication as special issues in highly recognized international journals.
ICCSA 2025 accepts paper submissions in the following categories: General Tracks and Workshops' Full Papers, General Tracks and Workshops' Short Papers and PhD Showcase Papers. The details for each paper submission category can be found at the URL, and the list of workshops can be found at the URL
Conference Themes
The ICCSA 2025 Conference themes, grouped in six tracks, are the following (but are not limited to):
1. Track: Computational Methods, Algorithms and Scientific Application
Computational Biology
Computational Combustion
Computational Chemistry
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational Physics
Computational Geometry
Computational Mathematics
Computational Mechanics
Computational Electromagnetics
Numerical Methods and Algorithms
2. Track: High-Performance Computing and Networks Parallel and Distributed Computing
Cluster Computing
Cloud Computing
Autonomic Computing
P2P Computing
Mobile Computing
Grid and Semantic Grid Computing
Workflow Design and Practice
Computer and Network Architecture
3. Track: Geometric Modelling, Graphics and Visualization
Scientific Visualization
Computer Graphics
Geometric Modelling
Pattern Recognition
Image Processing
Web3D, Virtual and Augmented Reality
4. Track: Advanced and Emerging Applications
Biometric Modelling
Environmental, Climate and Weather Modelling
Geology and Geophysics
Nuclear Physics
Financial and Economic Modelling
Computational Journalism
Geographical Information Systems
5. Track: Information Systems and Technologies
Information Retrieval
Scientific Databases
Security Engineering
Risk Analysis
Reliability Engineering
Software Engineering
Data Mining
Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
Learning Technologies
Web-Based Computing
Web 2.0
6. Track: Urban and Regional Planning
Urban and regional growth
Sustainable urban and regional development
Socio-ecological systems
Open Data, Big Data
Cultural Heritage
Smart and Sustainable Cities
Mobility and Intelligent Transport Systems
Decision Support Systems
Complexity assessment and mapping
Paper Submission
To submit a paper, please connect to the Submission site from the link available at the ICCSA 2025 website:
Only papers submitted through the electronic system and strictly adhering to the relevant format will be considered for reviewing and publication.
The submission may fall into the following categories: General Tracks and Workshops' Full Papers, General Tracks and Workshops' Short Papers, and PHD Showcase Papers.
The submitted paper must be between 12 and 18 pages long for LNCS publication and should be formatted according to the LNCS rules.
Please consult the URL for formatting information and templates.
Reporting preliminary results of ongoing research. The submitted paper must be between 8 and 11 pages long and formatted according to LNCS rules. The Short Papers will be presented during the conference and published by LNCS.
Reporting ongoing research that has already achieved significant results, primarily by PhD students and junior researchers. The submitted paper must be between 10 to 18 pages long and formatted according to LNCS rules. The PhD Showcase Papers will be presented during the conference and will be published by LNCS.
Each paper must deal with original and unpublished work, not submitted for publication elsewhere (copyright problems fall entirely under the authors' responsibility). Each paper will be reviewed by at least three experts in the relevant field (acceptance rate was 28% in 2005, 26% in 2006, 28% in 2007, 29% in 2008, 30% in 2009, 29% in 2021, 2011, 2012, and 30% in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024) according to the Single Blind review method, ensuring the publication of only top quality contributions.
When a paper is accepted, at least one of the authors must register for the conference and deliver the related talk. Failure to do so will result in the application being rejected to attend next year's conference and the paper being excluded from the current year's proceedings.
Refer to the web page for the updated list of Workshops
When submitting your contribution to one of the above-listed Workshops, please select the correct entry in the list box shown in the Abstract, Paper and Camera Ready submission forms.
An author can change the workshop associated with a submitted paper until the submission deadline by updating the paper in the system and selecting the proper Workshop from the list.
Important Dates
Please see the important dates page.
The proceedings of the Conference will be published by Springer (Lecture Notes in Computer Science series).
In particular:
1. The selected top-quality full papers from General Tracks will appear in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) Conference Volumes Set, and those of the Workshops will appear in the Workshops Volumes Set (paper length: 12-18 pages).
2. The selected top-quality short papers from General Tracks will appear in a separate section of the LNCS Conference Volumes Set, and those of the Workshops will appear in a separate section of the Workshops Volumes Set series (paper length: 8-11 pages)
3. The selected top-quality PHD showcase papers from General Tracks will appear in a separate section of the LNCS Conference Volumes Set, and those of the Workshops will appear in a separate section of the Workshops Volumes Set series (paper length: 10-18 pages).
After the conference, the authors of a selected number of top-quality papers will be requested to extend their papers for publication as special issues in appropriate international journals.
Scopus, EI Engineering Index will index the proceedings, Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index (included in ISI Web of Science), and several other indexing services. The papers will contain linked references, XML versions and citable DOI numbers.
All reviewed papers will be checked against Plagiarism and Generative AI.
Authors interested in publishing open access can find the necessary information at the URL:
Conference policy
By submitting the paper to the ICCSA conference, all authors agree to abide by all ICCSA conference paper submission, publication and presentation policies. Namely, the authors confirm that the work is original, has not appeared in literature in any form in the past and will not be submitted to any other venue concurrently with ICCSA submission or until it appears in ICCSA proceedings (in the case of acceptance). Furthermore, upon paper acceptance, authors agree to transfer the copyright on the accepted paper to ICCSA, and one of the authors will register the paper and present it at the event. No paper withdrawals can be accepted after the Conference pre-registration date or within three months of the event, whichever date comes first. Paper withdrawal requests can be only accepted in writing through email, letter or fax to conference organizers. The conference is not responsible for intentional or accidental misuse, misinterpretation, or failure to follow the above rules and conditions. It holds no legal, civil or other responsibility for opinions, content or utilization of any methods/algorithms expressed in the Conference Proceedings.Contact information
Yeliz Karaca
UMass Chan Medical School
University of Massachusetts
55 Lake Avenue North,
01655, Worcester, MA,
Phone: +1 508-856-8989
Fax: + 1 508-856-6778
Email: yeliz <dot> karaca <at> ieee <dot> org (primary email address);
yeliz <dot> karaca <at> umassmemorial <dot> org
Osvaldo Gervasi
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Perugia
Via Vanvitelli, 1
06123 Perugia
Phone: +39-075-5855048
Fax: +39-075-5855024
Email: osvaldo <dot> gervasi <at> unipg <dot> it
URL: https://ogervasi <dot> unipg <dot> it